To Be The Luckiest Person Alive

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I'm not asleep, just laying in bed, petting Nash, who's content to lay still as long as he's getting rubs. It's 7am and hard to sleep once the sun goes up and passes the hills and then begins to spill into the bedroom, all bright and...sunny. Mostly I'm just disassociating and zoning out completely, probably daydreaming about something or other, I'm not sure. I snapped out of it the second I hear my voice being called in a somewhat strained voice.

"Troye? Troye?"

That's a worried voice. I sit up quickly and kick the covers back, skidding across the room in my socks and jogging down the stairs so fast I outrun my iron deficiency... almost. It catches up with me as I reach the bottom of the stairs and my head starts spinning disorientingly. Luckily I've almost run head on into Jacob and he catches me before I can start swaying.

"You called?" I pant. "What's wrong?"

He grips my waist. "Nothing. I woke up and you weren't there and I overreacted that's all."


"I don't know, you were there when I fell asleep and when I found you missing I automatically assumed you'd died in your sleep or something."

I'm quiet for a second, chewing on that information. "If I'd died in my sleep wouldn't I still be next to you?"

"Apparently not, since you elected to move upstairs."

"Touche," I relent. I give into the urge to hug him and wrap my arms around his torso. "I didn't mean to give you a fright."

"It's okay. Like I said, I overreacted," Jacob pets my hair. He's so sweet and warm and soft. Oh I love him, I've never craved normality more than I do now. Just domestic, cute, cuddling on the couch, kiss-while-we-make-breakfast sort of normal.

I want to get better so we can have that, and it can't come fast enough.

After an appropriate amount of time, we disentangle from each other and Jacob leans onto the counter on his elbows, picking up his phone.

"So I got an email from my agency this morning," he says casually, but his eyes betray how pleased he is. "There's a spot in a show next week that opened up because one of their models dropped out for some reason, they want me to fill it."

I hop up onto a barstool across from him. "Really? That was fast, you're in high demand. Pillar of the modelling industry."

Jacob rolls his eyes, blushing pink on his high cheekbones. "Hardly. But I said yes either way."

"That's really good, I'm glad. I told you getting back in the game would be a good thing."

Jacob sets down his phone, pursing his lips. "Yeah, I'm excited actually. The um, the only thing is's in Paris. I have to fly out in a couple days."

My heart sinks. I don't really want to be alone in the house without Jacob for days. What if something happens where I need him? I mean, I'm fine, but at the same time I feel like the past few months have left me unhealthily codependent on him and the thought of him being so very far away leaves me a little panicky.

Not to mention my birthday is in three days.

But it was my idea for him to start working again, so I'll be damned if I don't support him every step of the way, no matter how it leaves me feeling.

"That's fine, I mean, I'll be fine here with Nash and you can go and don't worry about-"

"I want you to come with me."

"What?" I look up in surprise. "You want me to fly to Paris with you on a whim? I- I mean I've never even been to Paris-"

"You have," Jacob cuts in. "You've been to Paris."

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 08, 2020 ⏰

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