3 - Stay Forever

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When Ryder woke up the next morning, he realized that he failed to keep his promise because when he opened his eyes, he was greeted by the sight he had longed to wake up to for months. There, peacefully sleeping in his arms, was Maisey. A soft smile crept on his lips as he let his eyes drink in her beauty. 

Yes. Maisey was quite the beauty. He would be lying to himself if he said she wasn't and that he didn't notice. 

On normal days, when she wasn't glammed up, she wasn't necessarily a stunner. One would probably notice her beauty first because of her vibrant personality then once she catches your eye, you wouldn't be able to turn away. The more you look at her, the more you would want to stare at her and appreciate her natural doll-like features. One just couldn't help admiring her silky hair, her immaculate caramel skin, her perfectly-arched eyebrows and long and thick lashes that fan over her bright brown almond eyes, her small delicately-shaped nose, her high cheekbones, her cleft chin, her full pink lips and her brilliant smile that makes one's heart skip a beat. At least his heart does. 

Ryder sighed contentedly as he indulged himself with the luxury of quietly watching her beauty as her softness and warmth lay serenely in his arms and her sweet scent flooded his nose. It was like a dream to wake up next to her like this, a dream he had held in his heart over the past months that they lived apart. 

"Can we stay like this forever, Maise?" Ryder whispered softly so he wouldn't wake her up then very gently pressed a kiss on her forehead.

Yes. It was what he truly wished in his heart but couldn't tell her. Not yet. He felt he wasn't worthy of her yet. She has been a true blessing to him since God decided to put her in his life. He has already taken too much from her for the past three years that they've been married, he didn't want to take anymore in the next two. 

Ryder always felt that during his mother's sickness and after she passed away when he was just a teenager, everyone in their family lost half of their lives-- hearts, souls and resources. He took it upon himself to work hard to rebuild his family and help them recover everything that they've lost even if his own heart was gaping with a hole that seemed to be impossible to fill until Maisey came into his life. 

She was like the first streak of yellow light at the dawn of his new life. Her appearance in his life brought opportunities and blessings that he had never even imagined before. It was the chance that he was waiting for to rebuild his family. But everything came with a price, it seemed. They were both catapulted to phenomenal stardom and the pressure became too much. At one point, her parents even told her to stop. Unlike him, she had a choice. She could turn her back on everything and live the carefree and peaceful life that she wanted. 

At that time, they both knew that if one of them left, their stars wouldn't shine for very long. She could leave anytime and still be alright. He had a lot more to lose and she couldn't bear to see that. For him and also her curiosity to live her secret dream, she stayed.

They relied on each other, supported each other and held each other's hand. Perhaps, since they shared the same fate, no one understood what they were going through except each other. They opened their hearts to each other and told each other all their hopes, dreams and fears. Each day, their friendship grew deeper. 

They were connected to each other in a way that nobody else could. They mirrored each other's souls. At one point, Maisey also told him that since he was busy filling up the holes in his family's lives, she will help him make himself whole too, piece by piece. 

And she did. By staying by his side, by shining him her light, by holding his hand, Maisey completed him and he was given the chance to go without care to continue working for his family. While he worked hard, she became his strongest backer, his loudest cheerleader and bottomless source of joy. Over the years, he came so close to completing his mission for his family and then finally putting himself first. He wanted to be free of all other responsibilities so he can devote every part of him to his wife. 

He didn't realize that while he was busy and she supported him, while she appeared so strong and brave in front of him, she was already withering inside. While she cheered for him so loudly, her heart was lonely. And while he basked in her warm sunshine, a storm quietly brewed inside her. Until one day, six months ago, he felt his palm was empty and the hand he used to hold was gone when he went home to an empty house. 

He still doesn't know why she left and why she seemed to ignore him on the defense of her busy schedule. He didn't have a clue and she won't talk about it. She never talked about what bothered her. She would always just keep all grievances in her heart. She would stay quiet until she had healed herself and went back to her normal vibrant self. 

Maisey never told him and she would deny when asked but Ryder knew whenever she was sad, angry or hurt. 

Knowing that she must be keeping her heartaches again with no one to vent to, his own heart ached. With a sigh, he gently stroked her hair and face then whispered. "Will you tell me what's wrong, Maise? Just this once? Let me be your sunshine this time."

At that thought, a fear he never admitted started to reemerge. He instantly panicked. It can't be, can it? 

With horror and pain in his eyes, he whispered. "Are you tired of me, Maise? I'm sorry. I've neglected you. Let me make it up to you, okay? Please don't get tired of me."

Even worse. An even worse fear kicked in. 

"Have you fallen for someone else?" His voice trembled.

Maybe because the hand that caressed her face shook with his voice, Maisey slowly woke up. Stretching her arms and back with her eyes closed. Seeing her move, Ryder quickly hid his sadness and fear then flashed a charming grin before she opened her eyes. 

When her eyes opened, she was met by the dazzling view of his handsome face and dimpled smile. She thought she was dreaming for a moment and smiled softly before she lazily sighed then she felt something familiar press against her stomach and she was startled awake. She instantly blushed and smacked his chest. 

"Ryder Farris! What do you think you're doing?!" She tried to hit his chest again but he caught her hand and kissed it with a mischievous glint in his eyes. 

Well aware of the movement between them which was his body's reaction to her movements when she stretched that caused her soft body to rub against his, Ryder grinned more brilliantly. "Good morning, Mrs. Farris." He beamed as his arms pulled her closer.

Maisey gaped at him for a second when she realized that he had no intention of getting up from the bed and fixing his problem in the bathroom. "W-why are you here? You said…" 

"I know what I said. I did intend to leave and sleep in the other room but when I tried to remove my arm, you clung to me like a boa constrictor and wouldn't let me go." He feigned a sigh and shook his head. "I was left with no choice. I had to stay here and let you do with my body as you please so I won't disturb your sleep."

Maisey was more embarrassed when he heard his story. She did have that tendency and normally, it wouldn't be a problem but they haven't exactly been cozy for the past months. She looked down and pushed away from him, "I'm sorry."

With a smirk, he pulled her back closer to him and leaned his face closer to hers. "I don't need your apology, Maise. I need something else." His voice went lower at that last sentence as he moved his lips closer to hers. 

She seemed to be hypnotized by his mesmerizing voice, his intoxicating scent and the heat that radiated from the closeness of his lips. "What's that?" She whispered. 

"You." He answered then engulfed her lips with his hot kiss. 

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