I'm Not Okay

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If I told you I was happy, I wouldn't be lying.
But you know me, I'm only ever okay.
Because when I tell you im just okay...
Do you trust the Earth at your feet?
To carry you to the edges of your dreams?
Can you tell me where you wanna wind up?
The fairy tell end to your perfect story.
If I told you I'm okay, would you still believe me?
Because the nights I lay awake I have yet to ask you if you're okay.
But, it's fine.
Because I know you're doing just so.
I'm stuck in this situation of wanting only happiness for you...
And being in hell for knowing that your happiness doesnt involve me anymore.
Do you trust the wind at your sails?
That shall carry you across the vastness of the future laid out before you?..
Do you trust me when I tell you that I'll be just fine without you?
Because I would never lie when I tell you I'm happy for you.
But for now, I'm just okay.
...im just okay with being not okay at all...

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