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Shattering that's what Harry's heart felt like

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Shattering that's what Harry's heart felt like..

Because What?

A girlfriend?

Louis has a girlfriend?

Harry fakes a smile at him and gets off his chair. He's mixed with feelings right now and doesn't want to be too vulnerable in front of him too soon.

"Umm I just remembered something I have to go" Harry's eyes getting blurry the more he blinks. He fiddles with his clothes and rushes off.

"So we'll meet here at 6 pm then?" Louis asks looking at table picking up the plates.

"Yeah", Harry blurts out before running towards his home.

Harry locks himself up in his room and sits at the corner of the bed moving back and forth, knees pressed to his chest.

'I'm so stupid! I'm so fucking stupid! Louis never said he was gay! He never showed any emotion! He never gave you a hint! Then why? Then why did you fall for him?' He tells himself.

Anger brushing up in his body.

He gets up and grabs the flower vase kept on the table nearby and smashes it against the wall.

"Harry!" , his mom shouts from somewhere in the house. He can hear her footsteps coming towards his door. She knocks on his door. "Harry? Love? Are you alright?"

Harry wipes his tears.

"Yeah mum! It's just- I just dropped the vase by mistake" he hits his head with his hands and whispers to himself "Why am I such a bad liar?"

"Oh okay honey! It's okay don't worry about it"

Harry's relieved that his mother bought into his lie.

He falls back to the ground again wrapping himself like a cocoon. When he hears another knock on the door.

"Harry? It's me Sabby", Sabrina says against the door "Open the door please"

Harry walks up to the door to let Sabrina look at the mess he's created. Sabby's eyes widens when she looks at the broken vase. It's obvious that someone smashed it against the wall.

Sabrina looked back at Harry who was now sitting on the edge of the bed.

Sabrina looked back at Harry who was now sitting on the edge of the bed

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