
706 19 94

21 December 2020

6 pm

Harry's standing in front of the Tommos' again. He takes a seat and waits for Louis.

5 minutes later, Louis arrives at time with Clifford by his side. He waves at Harry and walks in the cafe. A few moments later he walks out of the cafe with a granola bar and sits in front of Harry. Louis bends down a little to feed the bar to Clifford and pats him.

"So are you ready to be a guest on my channel?", Louis asks.

"A what?! Uh- Not what i mean wait..Today?!" , Harry widens his eyes.

"Yeah I thought you were ready"

"I- I didn't know it was going to be today but I'm okay with it" harry nods his head as he speaks "I'm okay with it"

"So what are we waiting for?", Louis pats on the table like a drum and gets up holding onto Clifford's leash.

"Umm okay", Harry gets up too."umm where are we going to shoot the video?"

"My home", Louis simply replies.

They walk together towards a direction Harry isn't aware of. He just trusts Louis with himself. Louis being the leader leads his way.

They don't walk towards Louis' home as he said but Louis leads their way towards a park. The park is not too crowded right now. Christmas lights are hanging here and there. Harry can see a pair of couple kissing each other.

"I thought we were going to your home?", Harry breaks the awkward silence.

"Yeah but first Clifford needs to walk. We come here every day", Louis turns around to answer.
"We usually spend 2 hours here but since today we're going to shoot, I think 1 hour is enough. Yeah?"

"Yeah.", Harry says as Louis turns to look forward again.

They both walk with Clifford in silence again.

After walking for ten minutes they reach the lake.

Louis sits in front of the lake and pats beside him gesturing Harry to join. Harry obeys. Louis picks out a ball from his pocket and throws it far away "Fetch!" He commands Clifford. And Clifford obeys.

"You never told me why you were scared of dogs?", Louis asks.

Harry chuckles "yeah...that", he smiles with his head down. Dimples occupying his beautiful face.
He smiles and continues to look down when he tells Louis the story "I was at my house, when my babysitter arrived with her dog. I wasn't too afraid of dogs at that time but he was scary", he takes a pause and looks at Louis to emphasise "really scary" to which Louis smiles.
"I was 6 at that time, when she left her dog in front of me for a moment and went outside in the garden to talk to her boyfriend. I was frozen in front of the dog as he barked in front of me. I got scared and decided to run away "

Louis facepalms himself.

"So I'm running towards the door and the dog is running behind me. My heart was beating more than usual. As I'm running towards the door, I decide to take a quick look behind. The moment i look behind I slip on the door mat and fall on my stomach."

Louis shakes his head.

"I start crying and the dog decides to lay over me while I'm terrified of it. The dog started to lick me Louis, without my consent"

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