Mission Evacuate

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     It's December 16th, 2019. I just got out of school for Winter break in New York. Here I am packing to escape this cold weather and go down to Miami. My abuelita lives there with my uncles, aunts, and my cousin, Harper. My mom and dad were like usual arguing in the kitchen about whatever the heck adults argue about. My younger brother and sister were in living room eating Doritos and watching Spongebob. I was in my room packing up some last minute things to take to Florida. I grabbed my toothbrush, toothpaste, and my hairbrush. I went downstairs to let everyone know I was ready, our flight was in a couple hours and we were getting ready to catch a taxi and go to the airport. Once my parents finished up their argument, we got our suitcases and headed out the door. I signaled to a taxi to pick us up. "Hey my names Ricky, I'm your driver and where are we heading today?" Is what the driver said. "John F. Kennedy International Airport please." My dad said. "Sure thing! Heading for the holidays?". "Yup" my mom replied.

                      20 Minutes Later

    We arrived to the airport and my dad and Ricky got the suitcases out of the trunk. I grabbed my suitcase and headed inside along with my family. "Good thing we arrived 3 hours early!". My dad said. "Wow there's a lot of people!". My sister, Lily said. First thing we had to do was to check-in and collect our boarding passes. We headed towards one of the little computers that said "Delta" on it. My dad did everything he needed to do on the computer screen. "Now it's time to go check our baggage through." My mom said. We went in line, there was about 10 persons in front of us. When it was our turn we weighed our luggage and put them in the little thing takes it somewhere else. I saw my yellow suitcase that said "Alexa" on it go into some black hole that probably took it to the plane. It was time to go through security. Once we got to security there was a lot of people walking constantly through the lines. Thank goodness it took about 2 minutes, because there was other family's behind us who were walking slowly, making it a long line for the people behind them. We got to security point, I took my headphones, phone, hat, and my earrings off and put them into the white bins, that went through a black square box that was an X-ray I think. I went through the metal detector thing and it started making an alarm sound.  The people came and checked my pockets just to make sure I hadn't forgotten to put any items in the bin and sure enough I forgot to put my bracelets in the white bin along with my other stuff. "Your fine." Said one of the officers. I went on the other side and grabbed my phone and things and put on my shoes. It was time to go to the departure gate where we were gonna wait about 2 hours for the plane to get here and aboard. The departure gate was across the entire airport. We caught one of the subways that took us there. And we got there in about 30 min. So now we had to wait an hour and a half. I found 5 empty seats enough for our family to sit in and took a seat. "Alexa aren't you hungry? It's 7 pm and y'all haven't eaten." My mom said. "I am kinda hungry and in the mood for like a cheeseburger and fries or something." I headed to the food court section with my mom, Lily, and Ryan, while my dad stayed back at the departure gate to make sure no one took our spot. I spotted a Burger King in the distance. "Burger King! Burger King!" My little brother yelled while jumping. "Okay let's go there!" My mom said. Once we were in line and it was our turn to order, I ordered a plain cheeseburger, small french fries, and Dr. Pepper. Once my mom and siblings ordered their food the lady asked "Could I get a name for your order?" "Jamie" my mom said. We took our receipt and went to the side to let others ordered. We were waiting for about 5 minutes when we heard a voice through the intercom. "All flights are cancelled due to an unknown virus spreading quickly. Go to JFKennedyInternationAirport.com to claim your refunds. The airport must be evacuated ASAP. Thank you and sorry for the inconvenience."


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⏰ Last updated: Dec 08, 2020 ⏰

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