[chapter one]

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"Sweetie! We're here" Mum woke me up gently from the driver's seat. It had been 9 hours of trip, from Ohio to my old home, Stoneybrook, Connecticut, sleeping in Hotels and eating sandwiches and dry toasts. I had drifted off watching Harry Potter in my phone. My little brother slept at my side. "John, wake up, were here!" I said, a bit to excited. He was 5 years old. He had never seen Stoneybrook, as he was born back in Ohio. We left our house here when I was 9 years old, 6 years ago.

I was really excited to be here, but I was also nervous. We left in the first place because my dad got a much greater job there, in California. We left everything, and everyone. I left my best friend, Sam Thomas, one of the oldest Thomas' sons. They lived next door to us. I was so afraid he hate me because I left them. After 5 years, when I was doing eighth grade in high school back in Ohio, some girls bullied me. I was really lonely and sad, so my parents decided to move back. I was afraid that something like that happened again here.

I pushed those thoughts aside and helped John unbuckle his seatbelt. I opened the door and took in the scene. Our old house hadn't been touched. A big house with white walls. I looked over at the house next door, the Thomas'. I found odd that neither of the older boys or Kristy, their younger daughter, weren't outside in the yard playing with their father. I shrugged and grabbed the nearest box I found and marched over to the main door. As I walked I felt a pair of eyes watching me, and I turned over to see no one else but Sam looking at me through his window.

"Sam?" I muttered. I couldn't believe how much he had change, and that was only of seeing him for two seconds, because he looked back and left the room. He seemed taller, more mature. I really couldn't tell, but I sensed awkwardness in his look, and anger. I pushed those thoughts aside because they made me sad. I entered the living room and breathed. I loved the smell of new houses, even though ours wasn't exactly knew.

I saw my boxes and took them upstairs to my room. I opened the door. The bedroom was still the same, thank god. Same posters of music groups and singers, the big library with tons of books and the new ones I brought from Ohio, my table and my king's sized bed with light blue covers, matching the blue walls. Everything was still the same, which made me happy.

I placed the boxes on the floor and noticed a small box next to the window. I opened it. It had written on the top, with fancy letters "For Chris" on top. It was Sam's. I knew because of the nickname. Only he called me that. He though it was cute. Although I really didn't, but hey, everything can change.

I opened the box. Hundreds of notes were written. The handwriting had changed, so I guessed this notes were from years ago, even months ago or days. There were a lot. I turned over at Sam's window. He didn't noticed at first, but he saw me with the box. He shrugged, then turned on the light, closed the drapes and continue doing whatever he was doing. I was kind of hurt, he never did that. Never mind, I thought, I'll just read these. I grabbed the first one. I saw the date on them, so I decided to order them to read them more accurately. The first one was from February 2014, when I left to Ohio. The note read:

She left today.
I'm going to miss her. I don't know why she left, though. Nobody told me anything.
It's a 9 hour trip, maybe she runs out of gas and she comes back.
I'm going to miss my best friend

I frowned. He actually wrote this? I could tell because of the messy handwriting, but I'd seen it improve through the letters. I knew how much he detested writing stuff, so I smiled at the fact he went through this trouble. I knew this weren't for me, but still somehow he left them in my room. Maybe he knew I was coming, I don't know if mom told Elizabeth, Sam's mother. I grabbed another one. This one was from November 2016.

It's my birthday, and she hasn't called or texted or anything.
I wonder what she's doing right now. Maybe she's studying for a test, maybe she's with her new best friend.
I miss her, really much. Everyone has forgotten her. Not my family, at least, mum is always talking about her family and how Victoria (her mum) has had another kid, a boy,
I hope she's happy.

I frowned. I didn't forget it was his birthday, never. I always remembered. I mentally punished myself for not texting him, but to be fair, I didn't know his number. I grabbed one from last year, October.

Dad is a jerk.
He left us for real. He doesn't call anymore, nor does he come visit. This started to happen around the time David Michael was born. Mum is just too heartbroken, but she doesn't show it. We help her, cursing dad when she doesn't hear us.
I really wish she was here, how I would just hug her and sneak into her room through her window, like we did when we were kids, and stay all night talking. She would know exactly what to say.
I'm sorry for David Michael. He didn't really get to spend all the time Charlie and I spent with dad.
He really is a jerk.

I froze in my seat, not believing what I just read. "I'm sorry Sam...I didn't know" I muttered. I knew something was odd when I arrived, I knew things weren't the same at the house next door, just I didn't know this had happened. I continue reading, grabbing the first one I saw, to preoccupied to even care.
This one was last Friday, 2020.

She's coming back.
I should be happy, but she did left me. I miss her, she didn't even write. I don't know anything about her anymore, I'm sure she has changed so much I won't even recognize her.

Mum suddenly knocked and came in. "What's that?" She questioned, intrigued. "No...nothing" I muttered. I knew something happened with Sam.

I knew the way he looked at me earlier. I was too sad to accept the fact that I might had lost my best friend.

My best friend || Sam Thomas [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now