I love winter, don't get me wrong but I love the summer season in general even more, most people look forward to summer days where you find yourself laying by a pool or doing nothing, just trying to catch the sun. Don't get me wrong, I love that, but I love summer nights more, thats when I make my memories. When the sun is setting and theres a little breeze, its not cold but its not necessrily too hot to move like it is in the day time. Some people think its pretty weird, well it is weird i mean who likes summer because its dark? Me, and a few others.
We find ourselves staying home all day doing nothing alone, or being with family, or sleeping, mainly sleeping because we're not capable of running off no sleep like those people who go out at night and get up at 7 to spend their days lounging by the pool. We go up the hills, or we spend our night by the lake with a fire, just us spending time doing nothing in the dark, having our own fun and making our own memories.
My parents don't agree with me spending 7 out of 7 nights of my week out with friends doing god knows what, they probably don't even care about what we do, its nothing major. They think i should live my teenage years the way i want, even if that means getting into trouble. (Which we definitely do.) They think that although I'm not exactly amazing at school, my grades are good enough, i should push myself a little harder, but sometimes i just can't. Summer isn't about school. Its the only time we get away from that place which gives us any freedom we deserve. And believe me we deserve it.
My wonderful group of 7 concists of 4 ass-holes and my two bestfriends and me. Calum; the first of the four ass-holes with many tattoos and a blonde fringe. Luke; the second of the ass-holes with a lip ring and really blue eyes. Michael the third of the ass-holes with a newly fresh dyed head of hair at leave once every couple months, any colour dye he can find. And lastly Ashton; the fourth and final ass-hole, maybe the biggest ass-hole i know, but by sure the most entertaining one. The four of them love music and they're our source of entertainment when our phones die or our mini speaker does. The fifth in the group is Elanour, or Ellie, she doesn't actually like her name. Cara is sixth, the youngest of us all but still the most confident. And then seventh is me, Lacey, with flat brown hair and a fringe longer than anyones i know.
Making up our '7' wasn't some twist of fate kind of thing it was actually pretty stupid. Ellie, Cara and I were by the lake one afternoon, well one night, we were going to find the spot we sat in a few nights previous when we'd first come to the lake. And we awkwardly bumped into the four ass-holes, might I add i didn't know they were ass-holes at the time, but i sure do now. Anyway we bumped into them or well rudely interrupted them while they were playing a game of cards, lucky for us they were pretty cool about us joining them to play and we've been quite good friends ever since. We never realised that we all went to the same primary school because most of us were in different years no big deal.
The lake was the first place we all went to but a few weeks after meeting the boys we bumped into them again one night, we were going back to the lake when we found Luke and Calum waiting for Ashton and Michael, they always used the lake as their meet up point for anything. We found out that they were going up top of the hills to look over the city, fourtunately we then found out Ashton had a car, Calum explained this car was big and pretty sick. Although when it came to it, it was an old red truck which his uncle had given him after passing his test.
So then once again the 7 of us sat and played cards, but at the top of the hill in the back of Ashton's truck. After assuming we probably wouldnt see these boys again unless we bumped into them we got their phone numbers, a group chat was made by Michael called 'Fuckers' and not a day later we got a message to meet at the lake at 8:30 just as the sun was going to start setting.
To this day the group chat is still called 'Fuckers' and we still meet at the lake everynight, no matter what.
Okay wow. Im really sorry for changing this but i got this idea that i really wanted to get written down.