Apologies~ Selena Racter

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The mind works in a comic way. I had been stressing myself out, wondering and questioning why Nicholas wasn't talking to me. I was scared that maybe I did something wrong, chased him away somehow but now that I have the chance, I am scared of getting the answers.

Like, make up your mind already.

My fist like hand is hanging in the air, while I am still contemplating on whether to make contact with the door that is between me and my answers. The wise choice would involve me knocking the door but I don't feel like making any wise decisions.

What if he says that he doesn't want to go forward with whatever is happening between us? Is there even anything happening between us? Is there even an us? What is he says he didn't enjoy our kissing session? Or maybe that I am inexperienced?

No, this was not a good idea. His silence when I was trying to get in touch with him should be enough to answer all my questions. The only conclusion I can come to is that he doesn't care. Because if he did, he would have given me something even if he was busy.

Why would he care anyways? We don't know much about each other.

I turn back and start walking back to the elevator. Talking to Nicholas would only bring me unnecessary pain; it would be good to see him but what if his reasons aren't placement. I have many reasons to be insecure, I don't need more.

"Selena?" Dear Lord, I pray and I am obedient so why is it nothing ever goes my way?

I turn around to come face to face with the person who has been occupying my mind for the last few days. His eyes still hypnotising like the first time I looked into them; a little trace of eye bags, probably from lack of sleep.

His muscular arms exposed by the an excuse of a vest that low cuts from his armpits to his waistline; grey joggers that outline his private parts, and black sliders.

"Do you like what you see?" I look back at his face and he smirks. My cheeks turn red and warm, he shouldn't be affecting me.

"Umm, hi." I say in a small voice.

"Were you not coming to see me?"

"Does it look like I am?" Okay, where did this come from? Get your emotions together Selena or he is going to run away again. I know I am angry that he just left me hanging but I wasn't planning on projecting my emotions

"Feisty. I like it." Still as weird as ever, I see, "But on a serious note, why were you going back to the elevator if you had already reached my floor?"

Because my brain decided to create a surge of insecure thoughts just when I was about to knock the door.

"Um, no reason. Are you going somewhere?" I say to convert to another topic but also to find out why he came out of his house in the first place.

"I was about to come up to your place, but since you are here, do you wanna come in?" How did he know which floor I am staying on? It's not like he was chivalrous enough to walk me back to my room after our make out session, I felt like I had just been used and then disposed of once I refused to comply with what he wanted. I need to do this for my peace of mind, I need explanations of why he acted so weird and then I will leave.

"Okay." I agree and start walking to the door he is holding open. Once I get in, he closes the door. His penthouse is not very different from ours, almost identical decorations but different colours.

"Welcome to my humble abode, would you like something to eat or drink?" He ask while standing next to me in his lounge.

"No thank you, I'm fine for now." I tilt my head to smile at him and he reciprocates the gesture. I look around his lounge, feeling too awkward by the silence that has taken over the room. His house looks spotless, everything seemingly untouched and unused. The air circulating around the room leaving off his woody, fruity scent.

"Well, let's have a sit. We need to talk."

We need to talk. I swear that phrase is cursed because everything that follows it is not good. Every time a character in a movie says, its always like "we need to talk...this is not really working for me...its not you, its me." yada yada yada. Maybe I should break if off with him first to save me the pain. But that would be selfish because he will hurt as much as I would have. Or maybe not, he might not even care and just laugh it off.

Another option would be just to sprint out of this house, that way, we both won't have a chance to hurt one another.

As if reading my thoughts, I feel a large hand placed on the small of my back. I didn't know I needed this but it feels good.

"Come on." He assists me to the red, plush sofa placed in front of a massive TV hanging on the wall. Once seated, there is another awkward which is worse than the first one. This time there is lot of physical contact. We are practically glued to each other. Thigh to thigh, side to side, arm to arm, skin to skin. I'm not complaining as I am very much interested, but it also feels inappropriate as we don't know where we stand with each other...for now.

I feel a hand press down on my thigh. "Sorry, the tapping is making me more anxious than I already am." Nicholas says, I didn't even realise that I was  tapping.

"Sorry." My voice comes out quiet, why does he have such effects on me?

"You shouldn't be apologising, you didn't do anything wrong. Unlike me. I know you are angry and you have every right to be but I can explain everything." Okay, that's a great start. I don't retort as a signal for him to keep going.

"Shortly after we had our moment in the car park and I left. My father sent me a message when I got in my room saying that there was an emergency at the hall. I ran back to the parking lot but you weren't there anymore so I just left and went back to find out what happened. When I got there, I found my father's car parked behind the building to avoid any paparazzi. It was him, three of our body guards, your mom and dad. I got out of my car, my father did not say much except that something had come up at one of our companies in Nigeria so we had to travel there urgently. I thought that it was just going to be one of those overnight trips but the problem was bigger than I assumed. When I tried to contact you, I realised that I had dropped my phone somewhere, which I found in my car when I came back today."

He wanted to talk to me? I should have known that I was just jumping to unreliable and negative conclusions.

"I am very sorry. I even wanted to buy a new phone but I realised that I didn't know your number by head and I didn't want to ask your parents for it seeing as that would make them suspicious of what is happening." Nicholas finishes off.

"It's fine. Thank you for explaining, I am not going to lie and say that I wasn't scared that I blew it off that night when I refused to...you know." He is quick to put his hand on my cheek so that he can make me face him instead of the floor.

"I apologize for that night as well. I was so turned on and way too caught up in my own pleasure that I forgot to consider what you wanted to do. I know I made you feel pressured but I didn't mean to, I was just being selfish and childish, and it won't happen again." He smiles at me. I like how taking accountability for his mistakes and how he is empathising with how I felt that night. This is the closure that I was waiting for all week and I have to say I am satisfied with what I got. It makes me want him.

"If it helps you feel better, I missed you more than I probably should have considering that we have just met." Nicholas blurts out, adding in a little chuckle.

"I missed you too." I put my hand on his thigh to make some kind of contact.

"So, do you forgive me?" He asks as he slips his arm around waist.

"Yes." I whisper as I feel him gently lay me on the sofa with him on top of me.

"I want to kiss you so bad." His lips on top of mine but not making any movement.

Without saying anything, I put my hand on the back of his neck and start moving my lips.

And we are kissing. And kissing. And kissing.

This was very interesting to write. I finished the chapter in one seating because I was curious as to what was going happen next. I hope you enjoyed x.



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