The Beginning of the End

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The gray sky shook with the occasional rolling thunder as two horses trod along the muddy road. A hylian sat steadfast in her horse's saddle, her (h/c) hair whipping around her face in the wind. Her pretty (e/c) scanned a worn scrap of directions that a woman named Kris had given her. They had met her at the peaceful stable overshadowed by the Dueling Peaks. The mountains stood several leagues behind the hylian girl now, considering that she'd been riding for hours now.

Before that, she had traveled out of the Akkala Region since she had finally found enough volunteers willing to rebuild the ruined cities there. She had just announced Tarrey Town's official opening, and soon after that left to Kakariko village, and then the Dueling Peaks Stable. The hylian hadn't stopped for longer than an hour since she had left Tarrey Town, as she was hurrying to gather information on a confidential mission. This meant that the girl hadn't had anytime to change though, meaning she was still wearing her ceremonial knight outfit from the opening which had taken place early that morning. Luckily, it was practical for riding a horse from one side of the continent to the other (it didn't hurt that it looked great on her, too)

Personally, she thought Akkala region might just be her favorite place in Hyrule– she would know, having traveled all across the map on missions similar to these as well as battling or chasing monsters. She hadn't been alone in your journeys, though.

"You okay up there, (y/n)?" He called, and (y/n) turned back and gave him a thumbs up.

"Link, how much further until we reach Hateno, do you think?" (Y/n) asked the Hylian knight behind her. Link had been her closest friend since she had woken up together in a shrine months ago on the Great Plateau with no recollection whatsoever of their past lives. (Y/n) really had only two other friends, Lady Riju if the Gerudo and Finley the Zora.

"Maybe a couple of hours," he responded thoughtfully. (Y/n) grimaced inwardly. As practical as her outfit was for riding, she had started to grow extremely uncomfortable as the day wore on.

Trusting her horse to follow the road, (y/n) looked down at the paper in her hands. Kris' scribble-like handwriting was much like her own, and she read the directions again, if only to kill time.

Go into the small shop to the left of the entrance of Hateno Village around 9 o'clock am- my friend Kay is often buying groceries for his sister around that time. He'll know where you're trying to get to- just don't get too nosy about his life though. That includes asking about how is week went. Good luck!

(Y/n) sighed for what must've been the hundredth time, wishing the note were longer so she could do more as the journey was taking forever. The gray sky did nothing to improve her mood. (Y/n) ran a hand through her (h/l)  hair, and start fiddling with it.

After a few minutes, (y/n) slowed her horse down so that she and Link were at equal paces. He smiled at her, and she fought her own face from turning into fire.

The thing was, after traveling so much with her friend, it was hard not to have a crush on him. He was brave, extremely handsome, and often went out of his way to improve others' lives. His eyes were especially gorgeous to you– they showed a certain spark in their blue depths that contradicted the emotionless face he wore around most people. (Y/n) wasn't sure why he acted that way a lot of the time, but had to mentally shrug. Everyone had their own little quirks. Besides, she had known him long enough to know he had emotions.

For example, he LOVED food- it was kinda ridiculous, actually. He also had a great fear of  a lady who grew these flowers around a shrine and Great Fairies ((y/n) couldn't blame him). Link also loved to laugh, hated to cry, and generally loved all things small– koroks, kids, and Silent Princesses. (Y/n) tried not to read too much into that last one.

"Y/n, can I ask you something?" He suddenly asked.

"Of course," (Y/n) replied, a bit nervous as every girl was around Link.

He didn't say anything for such a long time she almost doubted he was going to say anything until he said, "I've been thinking. When the whole Calamity is over, what–" his voice halted before he continued. "Well, what then?" His voice hitched a little again. (Y/n) looked at him with hidden sympathy, knowing he hated pity. She often could see that he felt his life only revolved around the prophecy, which was probably because that's all people ever told him he had ever been. That, of course, and that he was pretty.

"Link," (y/n) said, "when we defeat him, we- you will definitely find what's next." (Y/n) didn't know if they'd even be able to be able to defeat the calamity, but she was sure that she would fight until her last breath. At the very least, she'd make sure Link would make it.

But Link always seemed so confident that it would be easy– as was his brave nature– that (y/n) never told him this.

All they needed now was the "sword that sealed that darkness", as Lady Impa said. In fact, that's what the hylians were searching for now. Without it, the chances of defeating Ganon were slim to none- so for the past few weeks, you had been scouring Hyrule for clues. They had already freed the divine beasts, but we're at a loss to where the Master sword could be.

Bringing (y/n) back to the conversation, Link said, "Thanks, (y/n), but I don't really have any talents besides from whacking monsters."

Stopping her horse, (y/n) gave him a sharp look.

"Link." He looked at you, totally confused, but stopped his horse as well. He didn't usually open up like he had just done, and was a little worried about where this was going.

"Don't you even say that- I've known you longer than anybody and I know for a fact that is not true!"

To herself, (y/n) thought 'How could anybody as perfect as you be talentless?! You are beautiful, sweet, smart, and brave and I–' she stopped herself there, knowing she'd never ever EVER tell him how she felt about him. That was too awkward.

Instead, (y/n) explained, "Look, Link. You are so amazing and so much more than a brainless monster-whacker! You are a great cook, terrific runner, and very kind!" Link blushed slightly from the praise but looked at (y/n).

"(Y/n), thank you. That really, really, means a lot." He said, and smiled. (Y/n) loved when he did that.

Suddenly, his smile changed to a grin and he said, "Race you to Hateno Tower!" He then spurred his horse forward.

"See ya at the finish line!" (y/n) yelled, following suit.

"Yeah right!" He responded, even though she were pulling ahead quickly.

     Okie dokie, first chapter done! Victory! Hope y'all like this so far. If you have any ideas on how to make it better or anything like that please say so :) Anyhoo, onward to chapter two!

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