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     It was nighttime, and the stars winked and sparkled overhead.

     Crickets chirped and owls hooted as  a young (y/n) picked her way along a hunting trail, basket under her arm filled with glowing flowers. She hummed quietly, careful not to disturb any slumbering animals nearby.

     Suddenly, a tiny hylian, possibly around nine years old, popped out of the shrubbery and scared the daylights from (y/n). She looked nothing alike (y/n)- but the girls shared a common look in their eyes that showed their friendship.

     "Khestri, you cant just hide like that! For Hylia's sake, you practically gave me a heart attack!" (Y/n) was clearly trying to be angry, but she was laughing right along with Khestri.

     "What else could my purpose be but to annoy my bestie?" Khestri giggled, getting out of the berry bush she had been crouching in. "Your father wants you to get you home soon- and Adrin is there!"

     "You little"  (y/n)  said and reached out to muss her little friend's hair. She and Adrin were just friends, at least to her. The little girl ducked as (y/n) reached for her. and cackled as she ran away. (Y/n) sprinted after Khestri, and their happy voices rang out through the forest.

(Y/n)'s sweat trickled down the side of her head as she returned to a fleeting consciousness. What had happened to her best friend?

"(Y/n)?" Link was too late. The sick hylian passed out as quickly as she had awoken.

A cold breeze whipped across the grass and released the leaves from the green trees surrounding Adrin as he searched for his friend.

"(Y/n)?" He called, walking further into the grove. "Where are you? We're going to head west soon-"

He broke off as he heard a choking sound to his right.

Silently taking out his sword, Adrin backed up to a nearby tree, hoping that (y/n) was alright.

Slowly, he came out from behind the oak before dashing forward. There was (y/n), sitting up against an enormous tree. She was shaking and facing down, and he skidded on the slippery grass to sit next to her, letting his weapon drop beside him.

"(Y/n)! (Y/n), are you okay? What's wrong- why are you crying?" Tears were streaking down her face, and he suddenly felt like he was intruding on something very personal.

Still, he stayed. Tentatively, he put a hand on her shoulder.

"Are you okay?" He repeated quietly.

"I'm so-" (Y/n) choked on her words. "I'm so sorry," she sobbed, curling her knees into her chest as he scooted closer.

"For what?" He said, more than a little confused. She had to be the nicest person he knew, there was no way that she could've done something wrong.

She kept on crying, making several attempts to talk before her throat closed and she bent back down.

"Please, tell me, I want to help," he said, only succeeding in making her cry harder.

Eventually, she sniffed and managed to look at him without crying.

Haltingly, she said, "I'm n-not-not good enough," and covered her face in her hands.

"What are you talking about?!" Adrin asked, nonplussed.

"I just- well- I'm not..." she attempted to say, squeezing her fist tighter as she looked up at the blue sky. "I'm not good enough, I can't even- I- every time I try to be better it's just..." her (e/c) eyes shedded a small tear and Adrin watched as it trailed down her face.

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