Breaking Apart

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The journey was long and bumpy, and Link blushed a little bit since (y/n) was so close to him. They had to share Epona, because Link had left (p/n) at the grove where the Yiga attacked.

Now, the clear sky fell to evening as a blood moon began to rise. Since the rain had stopped, the pair found many more Hylian travelers on the road. Unfortunately, monsters preferred the dry weather as well. For the time being, Link decided to merely gallop last them to avoid something that could slow (y/n)'s recovery.

She was unusually grumpy and unresponsive as well, and he decided that her wound was hurting her. When he asked, however, she answered angrily.

"Why do you care? Let's just get your special sword and get this over with," Link was confused but was distracted by the sounds of screaming. He leapt off of Epona, drawing out his bow.

"(y/n), stay here with Epona," he said, and ran off.

"Yeah, right," (y/n) said, and slid off of the brown mare and onto the ground. Deciding to use a pair of steel daggers, she took the blades out of her satchel and chased after Link and towards the terrified voices.

(Y/n) found two white bokoblins attacking a defenseless couple. Link was already shooting at the monsters, but they weren't having a strong enough effect. One of them was raising his club to smash un the woman's head and the Hylian yelled.

"No!!" (Y/n) cried, and blocked the hylian with herself. She just barely parried the strike with her daggers, and her wounded left arm buckled slightly.

She grunted, and then shoved the white monster away before throwing one of her weapons at him as well. The creature exploded into purple smoke, along with his companion who Link had finished shooting.

The male hero rushed to his friend's side and, seeing she was okay, opened his mouth to scold her.

"Thank you! Thank you so much, Master Link!!" The married man said, interrupting Link. The hero gave (y/n) a look as if to say, 'We'll talk abut this later,'

"For your trouble, hero," the woman said, handing the pair a warm, mighty, meal made with bananas.

"No trouble at all, miss," (y/n) said, and smiled for the first time that day, even if they smile was slight. This was one of the best things about saving Hyrule, the looks on people's faces when they'd been helped.

"Thank you all the same. Master Link was a real hero, and you too." She said gratefully.

"I wish there was more we could do. After all, you are the famed champion of Hyrule!" The man added. (Y/n) decided that she'd misheard the man saying champion without an s– after all, it was both Link and (y/n) who had freed the Divine Beasts. Link had been gifted with Mipha's Grace and Daruk's Protection, while the female champion had gained Urbossa's Fury and Revali's Gale.

"We've heard tales of Master Link and the Master Sword, and the Princess. It's amazing to meet them in person!" The woman said. (Y/n) nodded politely. This was dragging on for a while, and she just wanted to find out more about Adrin at this point. And the travelers didn't seem interested in talking to her, which irritated her more than usual for some reason.

"Link, don't you think we should be heading out?" (Y/n) asked when she decided there had been enough Link-idoling for the day.

The couple frowned and complained, "but we wanted to talk more to the hero! What right do you have to talk him out of anything? Who are you, anyways? I've never heard of you before,"

"I'm (y/n)," the girl prompted.

"No, I've never heard of you..." the woman dwindled.

"Must be his secretary or something," her husband said, and understanding dawned on his wife's face.

(Y/n) internally screamed. Although she wasn't one for fame, this bothered her. How could do many people not know who she was after freeing all four Divine Beasts? Just because she didn't have some fancy sword, didn't make her any less of a hero! It was infuriating.

Instead of speaking her mind to the ignorant Hylians however, (y/n) turned around and walked back to Epona. If it were possible, steam would be coming out of her ears.

Link hurriedly thanked the couple for the meal and then jogged to catch up to us friend.

"So, those guys..." he said awkwardly, and scrambled onto Epona.

"Yeah. Those guys," (y/n) said. The male Champion looked at his companion, who's (s/t) face was scrunched in frustration as she showed away her weapons. She was awash in the red light from the blood moon, and her daggers glinted as they flashed away.

After a beat of silence Link said, "If something is bothering you, you can tell me, okay?"

"Oh really?" (Y/n) asked, sharply. "It seems to me like the mighty Link wouldn't have time for that, huh? Too busy accepting other people's trophies,"

"Excuse me?" He asked angrily.

"I said what I meant and I mean it," (y/n) explained.

"What is up with you, (y/n)?!" He asked, bewildered. "You've never acted like this!"

"Or maybe you just haven't noticed," (y/n) said under her breath. Link watched her as her fists clenched.

Continuing as if he had not heard her, he said, "Look, I don't know what's going on but we can figure this out! We can't let this get in the way of defeating Ganon! We've done so much together!"

"Together? Together?! Link, half the people in Hyrule don't know I exist! You're the ideal hero–male, shallow, cocky, and wielding a dumb sword! You and I both know you don't need me!" This was so different from what had happened only days ago, when she had complimented the blond hero. Link's anger was quickly set ablaze as he saw her standing there, defiantly, calling him shallow and cocky.

"Well maybe they don't want to know about a self centered girl who doesn't care care a bit about Hyrule!" He cried, and instantly regretted what he said.

She flinched, but then responded, "In that case, it's clear you, or all of Hyrule for that matter, don't need me at all." (Y/n) gritted her teeth and said, "I wouldn't want to be stuck with you, anyhow,"

"Fine then, go! You're not in the prophecy anyways! See if I care!" The boy yelled impulsively, spurring Epona forwards.

"I think I will, thank you very much!" The female Hylian replied, and turned around. She almost cried, but steeled herself as she reminded herself that Adrin was waiting.

Link, on the other hand, didn't even notice the tear rolling down his cheek as he made Epona run faster and faster away from his best friend.

"Who needs her, anyways?" He muttered, though another part of his brain whispered, 'I'm going to miss her...'

Any feedback? Or ideas? I have a plot in my head but not many details.
Off the topic of book stuff, how's everybody's day been? Anything tough or happy?

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 20, 2023 ⏰

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