Yiga in the Storm

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"You know, I hate rain. Makes everything harder to climb, it's gloomy, and it's too cold and wet. I can see why the Zora hated it," Link complained. (Y/n) just smiled, since she actually enjoyed the rain quite a bit. After all, it was refreshing and gave life to everything– it was just as important as the sun. Sure, it had its downsides, but didn't everything?

The rain hadn't stopped though, and night had come and gone. Now, the hylians sat at camp. Ever since the Yiga attack, there had been no monsters– not even bokoblins. Choosing to stay optimistic, (y/n) tried not to feel suspicious and decided luck was finally turning in their favor.

She couldn't have been more wrong. The Yiga clan member had sat in the tree waiting for Link and (y/n) to ease up and relax, so he could strike and avenge the beloved by all Master Kohga. He carefully clutched a small bottle filled with navy blue liquid. A few of his arrows were to be dipped in the substance, though he'd have to wait to actually apply the poison until he actually attacked or else the steel arrows would disintegrate.

     Shifting his position slightly, the Yiga decided that the hylians were comfortable enough. He dipped his arrows into the liquid, and smirked underneath his white mask.

     'If only Kohga could see me now,' he thought, and drew his bow.

"What was that?!" (y/n) said abruptly as she heard the sound of rope. She scanned the area, hunting for any signs of life other than her and Link, who was also searching at (y/n)'s sudden alertness.

(Y/n)'s keen (e/c) eyes almost missed the crucial glint of silver in the trees as she hunted, but she zeroed in on it as it suddenly flew towards them with a loud thwack!

"Get down!" Link urged before tackling her down to the muddy ground, saving (y/n) from the headshot. Not having the chance to thank him, (y/n) scrambled back to her feet and drew her sword. Her preferred weapon was a bow, but she didn't have the time to unpack it from her satchel.

As another arrow flew past Link, nearly clipping off his ear, (y/n) jeered at the Yiga saying, "Come down from there, you coward!" He surprised (y/n) by actually obliging, but she still charged at him. Hopefully, this could be ended fast like the time before.

The Yiga giggled like a maniacal child and disappeared with a poof, only to reappear only a foot in to the side of (y/n). Swerving to avoid a jabbing arrow, the female hylian swung her sword into the clan member.

Unfortunately, the old blade shattered into harmless shards upon impact, leaving (y/n) weaponless. On the bright side, the power of her swing sent the clan member flying, giving (y/n) a chance to reach into her boot to draw out a dagger.

     The Yiga grunted and stood back up, drawing his bow with one of his last two arrows, aiming at (y/n) once again, but the the boy punched him in the gut before any harm came to his companion.

"Oof!" The Yiga exclaimed, and found folding over as he tried to catch his breath.

'Why can't these Hylians just die already?' He thought as he got up and sound his bow around in case the heroes were near. He focused on the champion who'd punched him and rammed his head into Link, who was unprepared for an unarmed attack.

They both fell to the ground, and the clan member clamped his hands around the heroes neck. Link's sword soared through the air, slicing through the rain and falling somewhere in the long grass.

Link struggled to get the strong hands off his throat, though his vision was darkening. He couldn't breath at all now, and his strength quickly faded. He kept on fighting though- Hyrule... Zelda... (y/n)... they all... it was too hard to think, so he devoted himself to surviving.

"Get off!" (Y/n) yelled and pushed off the Yiga and pried the hands off of Links cold neck. "Don't you dare hurt him!" The champion immediately gasped for breath and coughed loudly. (Y/n) made sure her friend was okay and then attacked the Yiga again with her knife. He would never ever hurt Link, even if it came at the price of her own life.

They rolled to ground and the Yiga drew his last poisoned arrow and thrust it down towards the female Hylian's heart. She deflected the arrow with her silver weapon, and the arrow grazed her upper arm instead.

She clamped her mouth shut and bit her tongue to avoid crying out, and dodged another strike.

Abruptly, the Yiga froze and poofed away, permanently this time, and (y/n) gazed up to find Link (who was still recovering his breath) who now held his sword in hand. It was pointing downwards, so the girl assumed the Yiga had disappeared because Link had wounded him in the back.

"Thanks," (y/n) said, and shakily got up. To be honest, she wasn't feeling great. Her vision swam and she nearly fell down, but Link grabbed her first.

"What's wrong?" He asked, concern in his eyes, before he noticed her scratch. "Ouch- do you need help cleaning that up?"

"Nope, I'm fine," she replied slightly woozily, and shook his hand as if she was just meeting him. He gave her an unbelieving look.

"Uh, you sure?" He said.

"Of course I'm sure," she was clearly lying. She was wincing and clutched her arm in what he guessed was pain. Link mentally decided to make sure to have Purah check up on her.

"C'mon, lets go," (Y/n) called. She went to the camp. Their camp was already packed up, was good because (y/n) swung up onto her horse, gritting her teeth when she put pressure on her arm.

"Uh (y/n), maybe we should share?..." Link suggested as she barely kept her seat in the leather saddle.

(Y/n) just shook her head and spurred her horse forward, saying, "We have a job to-oh-" her face went blank, devoid of anything including pain.

"(Y/n)!!" Link yelled as the girl fell off her horse and thudded on the grass. He sprinted to her and shook her. She barely stirred, and her breath came in irregular rasps.

He glanced at her arm, and sucked in a breath through in surprise. Black veins pulsed out of her wound, which had evidentially been poisoned. Her normally (s/t) skin was extremely pale, and her eyes were streaming. Suddenly, she drew in a sharp breath and opened her wet eyes to see his cobalt blue ones.

"Y-you've got... really pretty eyes," she said, and then her head fell back and she stopped breathing.

Oh. My. Gossssssssh. This chapter is gonna kill me- this version is the fourth one I've written because I'm deciding how to finish you off... haha just kidding. But buckle up for the next chapter!!

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