Waking Up

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Link was barely awake, but he was making Epona ride faster, even after hours upon hours of frantic riding. He had to get (y/n) to a doctor, she was nearly lost to him.

"Adrin!" (y/n) abruptly gasped, and found herself cradled in Link's arms. She wanted them to be Adrin's.

"(Y/n)!" Link said, relief flooding his blue eyes "Please-" But his friend shut her eyes, desperate to learn more.

Only a one recollection came, and there was nothing detailed and nothing left with Adrin.

After her best friend died, (y/n) was a machine. She dedicated her life to saving other people, trying to repay the debt she owed to Adrin. She did nothing for fun anymore, because she never found anything to fill the hole in her heart.

When Purah stopped coming out of the royal lab and Khestri moved to become a stable hand, she left for the palace to become a knight. She became one of the most trusted guards in the castle, and (y/n) saved the princess' life several times by taking the hit for her. Once or twice, she even saved the life of her appointed knight, Link.

Soon, she earned the nickname "Defender", and became renowned for her fearlessness. In truth, it all came from Adrin's promise. She never wanted anyone to die for her again, so she became Adrin for all of Hyrule. She was completely and entirely willing to lay down her life to save others.

Then, the Calamity came. She fell protecting the King, and for some reason was put in the Shrine of Resurrection along with Link. Zelda had insisted, saying something vague about the triforce before leaving to hold off Ganon.

"(Y/n)! Wake up!" Link's panic-filled voice shook brought (y/n) from her memory recovery. She opened her eyes and almost instantly shut them again, hoping for more.

Nothing happened.

She groaned, and opened her eyes a second time. Light flooded in, and her eyes watered as light shot through. Her ribs throbbed, and her arm stung.

When her vision came into focus, she saw Link and Spoone. Spoone was a doctor they had meant on their journeys who tended to wounded travelers. His mustache flared as he sighed in relief when he realized she was conscious.

"Well, I've done my part, I'm afraid there's nothing else I can do." He said, and held out his hand as if waiting for Link to shake it.

Instead, Link just grunted, "How much do you need for payment?"

"Uh... None I suppose..." he stammered, coming to the conclusion that the great hero of Hyrule probably shouldn't be in debt to the people he was saving. Link held out a blue rupee and Spoone accepted, despite his earlier thought. After all, donations never hurt. He left on his horse soon after.

When the doctor was gone, Link looked his friend up and down. "What happened?" he asked worriedly.

"I got scratched," (y/n) wasn't in the mood to directly answer his question, and she merely tried to get up from her spot against an old oak tree. Immediately, Link grabbed her and forced her back down.

"You're not totally healed yet, (y/n)," he said, and gestured to her arm. It was wrapped up in white gauze with a scale from Naydra, but she could still feel pain pulsing from the wound. She winced just looking at it.

"How did I get here?" (Y/n) asked when she realized that she was not in the Hateno region anymore.

"I got you here with Epona a few days ago. You woke up a few times and said a few things, but I don't think you were ever fully aware. You mumbled a lot in your sleep, and you were crying too." He looked uneasy, and continued, "(y/n), you were hours from dying- in fact, Mipha just barely restarted your breathing when you first passed out. I thought you were going to... just, don't ever do that again, okay?" He said quietly. (Y/n) would have been touched, but was too determined to find out more about the past.

"Alright, Link, but I need to get away from here." She said, and found that the fluttery feeling that normally inhabited her stomach while talking to Link was not there.  Mostly, she was just upset with herself for being so defenseless for so long.

Her friend seemed extremely surprised at how unconcerned she was that she had been so close to death, but he nodded his head and said, "Tomorrow. You a little bit more rest, alright?"

(Y/n) reluctantly agreed, and not-so-reluctantly ate the delicious meal Link had made. Even if she didn't seem to have a crush on the champion anymore, that didn't change the quality of his cooking. When night came, Link got her a blanket and she fell asleep quickly. The faster she went to sleep, the faster she would wake up.

Her heart ached for Addrin before she drifted off, and then lifted as she reminded herself that she'd be seeing him again tomorrow. Hopefully.

The next morning, her arm ached like heck, but she stood up (albeit unsteadily, due to unuse). She readied her belongings and made a small breakfast. Link was fast asleep the whole time, his mouth hanging open and he looked pretty harmless as he snored. However, this was an illusion- his hand was tightly closed around his sword and a sixth sense told him of any danger nearby.

As the light broke though the rainclouds that had been covering the sky for days and days, Link finally woke up and stretched. Seeing (y/n) up and walking around, Link scrambled up and ran to you.

"Wait, no! You can't be walking around right now, not yet!" He said quickly.

"I'm fine," (y/n) responded, ignoring a jolt of pain that shot through her when she picked up a saddlebag for Epona.

"No, not yet!" he objected, putting a hand on the saddlebag.

"I said I'm fine!" (Y/n) lashed harshy, yanking back the bag. She wasn't weak, and he should've known that.

Taken aback, Link stopped talking and made his own breakfast. He ate it, and then cleaned up the camp before (y/n) insisted on doing it herself. What was up with her, anyways? She was much more abrasive than normal, and shoved past him constantly. Actually, he was pretty sure that he had only heard around five words come out of her mouth since she yelled at him. What had he done wrong?

(Y/n) was excited to get on the road again, and basically flew onto (p/n) when it was time to go. She rode behind Link, and told him to go to Castle Town.

"Castle Town?" he asked, completely confused. "(Y/n), that place is completely destroyed! Plus, we were going to Hateno, remember? To get the Master Sword?"

"Right. The Master Sword," (y/n) rolled her eyes, but Link was looking ahead and didn't notice.

Haha! So. Sorry that this chapter was so boring, it really was a filler. And sorry for typos but yeah... I promise the next chapter will be a LOT more exciting. OK, onward to the next chapter!

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