2. Beauty tips for teen girls

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A teenage girl doesn't need a ton of makeup. I know what you are now saying that you need to hide your blemishes and pimples or because you need to impress your crush blah blah blah.Firstly, wearing foundation to impress your crush is something us girls say as an excuse to just make ourselves look pretty. Honestly boys give a crap about weather your wearing makeup or not. You need to look at what is best for you and not what people think.

Here are some tips to make sure you are feeling and looking your best!.

- Drink water when you first wake up! As soon as you wake up in the morning drink water before you even eat, this will boost your metabolism and will give you clean and clearer skin.

- Keep a constant routine of washing your face! By always washing your face, morning and night it will control and prevent breakouts. Never go to bead wearing makeup! Your skin needs to breath and recover while you sleep.

- After you shower, apply some moisturiser. As your skin is warm, it will absorb faster and keeps your skin soft.

- Wear sun cream! Try and get yourself a moisturiser or makeup with SPF in it. Is getting a tan worth the risk of getting skin cancer? NO! Tanned skin is sun damaged skin, natural skin tone is the better option. If you like looking tan, try looking into some fake tanning options.

- Teens have beautiful skin. You do not need foundation!! Foundation clogs your pores and increases breakouts. If you have blemishes you would like to cover try some concealer and some face powder, a tinted moisturiser or a light oil free foundation.

- If you can't stop the habit of wearing foundation, mix your daily moisturiser with your foundation. It will be a much lighter and natural look. Remember to choose the shade which is closest to your skin tone.

- Eat plenty of fruit and veggies! I know they might not be as nice tasting as chocolates, crisps etc, but they are great for your hair, nails, skin and your health.

- Don't be afraid to experiment different looks. Your teenage years are the perfect time to do this. Change your look until you find the style which suits you. Don't be afraid to stand out and just be you.

- Don not start smoking!! Besides it damaging your health it stains your teeth and nails it makes your hair, hands and clothes smell disgusting. Smoking makes you age a lot faster. We don't want to look old do we?

- Be confident!! If you don't believe in yourself no one will. Be confident and people will see your beauty inside and out!.

Always wear your invisible crown
- Marilyn Monroe

I hope you enjoy and find these tips helpful! If you have any questions, feel free to comment or message me. :)

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