•Chapter 5•

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Dazed and confused, I lifted up my head from the hard surface it was lying on. Pain shot through my head like a rocket.

"Good, you're up." A middle aged looking lady said, coming into the room.

"Ugh where am I?" I groaned

"You're at St. Mary's hospital. You've been sleeping for about two days." she explained to me.

"Oh, well, what exactly happened to me?" I asked, still quite confused.

"You got hit by an oncoming vehicle." She replied. I looked down at my legs. The right leg was wrapped in a cast and my arm was wrapped in some sort of bandage.

"It's a miracle that you only got one broken leg, a cut arm and a couple of bruises." She said like it was a good thing.

"Who hit me?" I blurted out. Her face went completely emotionless.

"Miss. Sailer did, sir. She's been trying to come visit you but since you've been asleep we didn't want anyone bothering you."

Miss. Sailer? Does she mean Kiera? There has to be more than one Miss. Sailer. It couldn't have been her.

"She's in the waiting room right now. Do you want me to send her in?" I gave a slight nod.

Moments later, she walked in. Her beautiful face was turning red from seeing me. I could see small teardrops on her face as she came closer and closer to my hospital bed.

Her light tears transitioned to heavy sobbing. I had never seen Kiera like this. She didn't cry often, and when she did, you know it's serious.

"I'm -so -sorry Tanner. I -I didn't see you coming down the highway an-and there was an-another car coming." She said in between bawling her eyes out.

"It's not your fault..." I trailed off.

"It is! I don't know what I would do with myself if I had killed you!" This conversation wasn't going anywhere anytime soon. I don't like the look of guilt in her eyes.

"Hey it's not all your fault. I was watching the road when I should have been. I was actually trying to text u back..." I stated, a blush rising to my face. Kiera's face changed emotions from pained to even more despaired. "So this is even more my fault..." She whispered and started heavily sobbing again.

"Hey, hey, shh. Come here." I said, scooting over on my bed, making room for her to come lie beside me. She climbed on and rested her head in the crook of my neck as I wrapped my one good arm around her. We laid there in a comfortable silence, me absentmindedly playing with her hair, and her wiping away the few stray tears that fell down her cheeks. Finally, she broke the silence.

"I'm really sorry you know." She whispered quietly. I sighed.

"Kiera. It's ok, really. I just hope you know, I expect you to push me around in my wheelchair." I started, smirking. She laughed and shook her head at me.

"You're something else Tanner." she exclaimed, still laughing to herself.

"I know, I know. I'm amazing." I claimed while chuckling.

I yawned, not realizing how tired I actually was. Kiera laughed again.

"Get some sleep, k?" I nodded and closed my eyes. As I drifted off to sleep, I could have swore I hear someone whispering 'I love you.......'

"Im going in a different direction."

"What direction?"

"Would you be north, south, east, or west?"

'West, so I could be the west coast.'

"Ok then I'm going west:)"


So I know that's not a pun but it was a legitimate thing that happened between "Kiera" and "Tanner" ("Kiera" started that conversation BTW) and also I said the cheese pizza thing cause it was cheesy. so ya vote and comment some feedback that'd be great ;)
~ Mariska

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