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Here is a pic of Milo Colton, Cute isn't he?

Not Opening Up Today


Milo's Pov

Song: Opening up

Artist: Sara Bareilles (Waitress)

Jenna! what's the special pie today?
Uh, deep shit blueberry bacon
Deep shit?
Ye, uh, dish! deep dish. Sorry, Cal!
C'mon, girl
The day starts like the rest we've seen
Another carbon copy of an old routine
Days keep coming
One out, one in
They keep coming
And make the coffee strong enough to chew!
I don't know what I wish I had
But there's no time now for thinking things like that
We've got too much to do
Too much to do
All these same things
We're always
Opening up
Letting the day in
Over a cup
We'll say "hello, how ya been?"
Looking around
Seeing the same things
Every day brings
"Hello, how ya been?"
"Thank you, come again!"
Some things never change
I wouldn't call this place a happy end
But I been 'round the block and just came back again
A small town like ours ain't much
But sometimes home is where your ass ends up
Order up!
Ordered up is how the day will find me
Everything in its place and time
And I like the way most of the days look exactly the same
Order up!
Check the clock
Tick, tick tock
Don't stop!
Serve with a smile!
Hurry up, fill the coffee cup
And then in a while
Take a breath when you need
To be reminded that with days like these
We can only do the best we can
Till we do it again
Come on, move it now!
Opening up
Letting the day in
Opening up
Some things never change
"Hello, how ya been?"
"Thank you, come again!"
Some things never change

Yeah, laugh at me all you want. But this particular song perfectly for the current job that I am doing. Hi, my name is Milo Colton, and I am thirty years old. Yeah I know, I look way too young to be thirty years old. I don't know how myself, eternal youth is what I am guessing. Anyways, I work as a house keeper, a waiter, a bell boy, and a baker for the Sunset Paradise Beach Resort . I've worked at this resort with my best friend for a couple of years now. Since my last job didn't go as well as I though it would.

As I continue to wipe the last table I needed to clean for my restaurant, I feel a tap on my shoulder. "Milo, I've been looking everywhere for you" I hear a familiar voice through my music just starting and taking off my ear pods while turning around. Only to be greeted by my best friend in the whole entire world, Cody. His actual name is Cohen, but he prefers Cody. He's the same age as me, and no that doesn't me we are related. "Sorry Cody" I then said "I was just finishing up cleaning all of the tables before the restaurant opened up for the day".

"Well buckle up" he then said with a little sigh "the restaurant is not opening today or this week". "Wait what" I then exclaimed from me being surprised. "And it's not just this restaurant" he then said again "the whole entire freaking resort is being shut down". I dropped my mouth open from shock. As I got over my few seconds of being speechless I my ability to talk again. "Well, spill the tea" I then asked, trying to get him to talk about what he knows "why the hell are they shutting the entire resort down". "They said something about deep cleaning the whole entire resort from top to bottom" he then began to explain some details. "Wait what" I then stopped him being confused "what happened, was there an outbreak of something of fleas, lice, a virus, a disease"

"No, No, No, And No" he then stopped my rambling "it's not any of those things". I then sigh from relief. I did not want to be around when an outbreak of those things happen. "I heard a rumor or from one of the front desk employees that very important people are coming to the resort" he then started to explain again "and they had to kick all of the current guess out and cancel reservations for rooms so they can start the deep cleaning the entire resort for a big birthday event". He then paused for a bit to catch his breath before inhaling and breathing a lot of air in.

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