Pizza Mistakes

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I'm exhausted; Sitting on a plane for five hours really takes a lot out of you.

So does sitting with five of your idols for more than five minutes. I mean, I knew they were really eccentric, but I just got here and I'm ready to collapse on the first available flat surface.

We were all in the living room, if you could call it that. It was directly connected to maybe three rooms. The house was really spacey, I guess.

I didn't trust myself enough to lean back on the couch, the increasing heaviness of my eyelids telling me I'd fall asleep if I do. The boys either don't notice or don't care, because thay start discussing a topic I should really have more energy for.

"So, how are we going to get Trevor to talk to you?" Jc says, nodding towards me. I supress a yawn.

"I thought you said you could plan all of this and I didn't have to worry?" I playfully glare at him, and he sheepishly grins back. He turns to the group, asking for ideas.

"Are there any big parties he might go to?" Ricky asks, reclining into the couch next to me.

"Not for a few weeks," Jc shakes his head.

"I have a feeling he won't come if we invite him over," I say, knowing how unnecessary it was. We all did, but Jc nods his head anyway.

We throw ideas around for a few minutes, none of us coming up with anything solid. We finally decided that we would talk about it more later, and that it was time for food.

It's 1 a.m.; We had dinner four hours ago.

But sure, whatever floats their boats.

Jc, Kian, and Sam were the only ones dying for fast food, so I decided to enlighten them with my accompaniment. Connor and Ricky decided they were just going to raid the pantry. I didn't want to stay with them because without the loudest boys in the house, I was sure to fall asleep.

I sat in the back again, this time next to Sam. Jc still had the top down, and the warm air against my face woke me up a little. The four of us chatted like I've known them as long as they've known each other, and I'm really glad. We were done with discussng basic facts about each other, and onto the next phase of teasing and just plain messing around.

Jc eventually pulled up to a Papa Johns'. We had fought about where to go for a few minutes, and after Kian grabbed the steering wheel from Jc and almost swerved us into a tree, they finally calmed down enought to agree that you can't go wrong with pizza.

The boys don't seem to care that most of the west coast is asleep, and they laugh and scream all the way from the car to the building. They look insane, but I find myself chuckling at their childish ways.

I finally get them to calm down slightly, and lead them into the restaurant.

I immediately walk back out.

My breath caught in my throat, my feet tripping over themselves in order to drag me away from my least and most favorite person in the world.

I must have walked away really fast, because I hear the boys running to catch up to me. A pair of arms wraps around my waist, and I immediately recognize them as Jc's. He pulls me into him and flips me so I'm facing him.

I'm not exactly sure why he's huggng me, but I'm glad he is. I have no idea what my emotions are right now, but the hug is supplying me with some comfort.

"You don't have to talk to him yet. We can leave," he whispers into my hair. I take a deep breath, composing myself instead of answering. I pull away, shaking my head.

"No. Who knows if we'll see him again? I might as well, while he's alone." Jc looks at me with concern before nodding and leading me back to the doors of the building. Sam slings his arm around my shoulders and I shoot him a small smile.

When we enter the almost-empty restaurant, the boys have resumed talking and laughing, and I try to pretend I didn't almost just have a panic attack. I look at Trevor and find him looking at Jc and Kian, shoving each other around, and then at me and Sam. His eyes linger on Sam's arm around me, and a tiny blush creeps onto my cheeks. We make eye contact for a few seconds before he turns away, and I look over to Jc for help.

What am I going to do?

literally what am I and also what is this

He was Vain (Trevor Moran)Where stories live. Discover now