Chapter Six-Wings

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When I wake up next, I half think that I dreamt everything. In a minute, the sun will shine through the little window on my face and my sister in the bed across the room will get up to make tea. A few blinks clear my vision and I find I'm not in my family's small cabin on the edge of the woods. I let loose a small sound of disappointment at the thought of where my family actually is, and where they're not.

"Kaira." A soft, soothing voice drifts to me before his gentle face appears in front of me.

"Azriel," I say and watch him sigh in relief which quickly turns to concern when I try to move.

"Stay very still." He says and the command has me freezing even as I feel the extra weight pulling at my back. Everything that happened that evening comes back to me and fear settles in my gut.

"What happened to me?" I ask and only now do I realize that I'm clinging to his scarred hands as he holds mine. His head shakes.

"You're okay. Healthy." He gives me an answer that isn't really an answer.

"Azriel." I tug blindly at the bond and he swallows.

"You have wings." He tells me carefully, but the words slap me in the face. "We don't know how, or why, but they ripped apart your skin on the way out. Healers have been tending you all night and you should be healed completely. A healer needs to see you before you get up."

"Wings," I repeat, flabbergasted. He nods.

"Lovely wings." He adds and a breathy, hysterical laugh leaves my lips at the sheer lunacy of this. A smile cuts across his face before he goes on. "There's green veining in them that brings out the green in your eyes." He continues and I calm a little at the compliment as well as the information that he's noticed the green in my eyes. I'd thought it had long faded.

"How? Why?" I ask and he sighs.

"We don't know. Since it is such a big, physical change, it may just be a delayed reaction from being Made." He tries to give me some explanation and I nod thankfully at the effort.

"Missed our training session then," I say dryly and a smile tugs on the edge of his lips.

"I won't forget." We both stiffen and Azriel stands with his hands slipping from mine when someone comes in. His wings flare slightly to hide me, but also block my sight. As soon as he sees who it is, those wings go back to being tucked tightly behind him

"Well, at least you haven't grown talons too and ripped poor Az apart," Mor says with a soft smile as she walks over with a healer trailing behind her.

"Yet." I return and her smile grows while Azriel's brows raise.

"Now that you're awake it would be good if you could try sitting up." The healer says with skin that's dark blue and shimmers like the night sky. She moves behind me as my arm slips under my body to push myself up.

"Here." Mor slides past a frozen Azriel to take my other hand and pulls me upright.

"How heavy are these things?" I ask Az who smirks while muscles I've never used scream with the effort.

"Heavy." He returns and I'd slap him for the obvious comment if I thought I could stand. A dark chuckle leaks from his lips as if he knows, but it quiets when Mor looks over at him.

"You're also not holding them right. Hold them up." The healer behind me encourages and my hand in Morrigan's tightens as I lean forward slightly to lift them off the floor. I pant slightly with the effort before the healer hums her approval and I hold them still as she examines me.

"You know, I'm Rhys' cousin." Mor comments and I blink as I look up to meet her warm, brown eyes. "I hope your feelings towards him don't extend towards me too." Her voice is sharper this time and I wince when I sigh. I'd called him nothing.

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