Chapter Ten-Power for Power

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"I should assure you that Cassian didn't cause the mark on my face," I tell him as I sit down on a boulder with my wings up properly for once. It's getting easier to remember even with my muscles close to falling out of my body. My body is exhausted, but that strange something is still straining against my chest wanting release. He nods as he walks a little closer to me so we're a little more than a foot apart.

"I looked for Mor this morning." He says quietly and I swallow when his hazel eyes steady on mine. "I came to the house to wait for her and found her slinking down the stairs smelling like you." It's not a question and it's clear he'd let me avoid answering if I wanted to, but...

"She stayed with me because she got drunk and didn't want to go back to her place. I may have hit her across the head in the process." The kiss is our business. No need to make something out of nothing. Besides, Mor has known them all far longer than I have and the choice of whether to tell them should be hers. Azriel lets loose a low, quiet breath that has me wondering whether he was worried about something happening because of Mor or because of me. "Thank you, by the way. For the blankets." He nods and something about him softens.

"You can always come to me for anything. Ask for anything." He swears and moves slightly closer. Only a foot between us now.

"So...if I asked for a pile of chocolates and thick socks, you could make that happen?" A smile that has his eyes lighting up slides across his face and I give him one in return.

"A female of simple tastes."

"And you? Don't you want anything?" I ask and find I'm extremely curious as to what his answer will be. Those beautifully golden hazel eyes surf over me before steadying on my eyes once again.

"A few." He responds and my eyes roll.

"Tell me one, then." I push and that lovely light in his eyes brightens. A soft breeze ruffles his dark hair and his shadows seem to keen at the cool wave.

"There's a piano in the House of Wind." He starts and sidles a bit closer. "If you ever decide to play it, then I'd like to hear you." The smile on my face fades as I think of those shining keys that I could barely bring myself to touch.

"That may be a very long time from now," I murmur and take a breath when he's by my side. His face is smooth and impartial as he reaches up and claims a curl, tugging it lightly before letting it bounce back as if to make sure it's a curl, not a shadow.

"I can wait." He murmurs and the words take a moment to sink into my skin. It's a promise and a hope that I didn't think to have. Never looked for.

"Then it's a bargain." I agree and furrow my brows at the ink that suddenly entwines around my fingers. Not just ink, but swirls of music notes that dance across my every finger. My eyes look to the male in front of me as he nods.

"Agreements are sealed with tattoos in the Night Court. Seems the city has accepted you as one of our own." He seems pleased with the conclusion, but I'm still unsure. The tattoo, however, is beautiful. Another question comes to mind as I feel that thing between this male and I.

"What is this...connection between us?" I ask across the bond and Azriel takes a breath at the question.

"It's...a bond. A pairing made by nature, or something else, for an indeterminable reason." He shares aloud and there's something in his voice, something that he's holding back, that has me reaching for his hand. Scars that are becoming familiar slide under my hands as I hold his in one of mine.

"But you don't have this with anyone else."

"No." He answers instantly and his fingers carefully curl around mine while sunlight flashes over the blue stones that cover him. "We will never have this with anyone else."

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