Chapter Eight-Family

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As I suspected, the second Rhys arrives and sees me, a wide smirk takes over his face. "Say one word and I'll shove you off the balcony." Cassian chokes while Azriel smirks, then appraises the green in my hair with a little bit of a wider smile that earns him a surprised look from Feyre.

"Wouldn't do much good since I have wings of my own today." Rhys counters and my jaw locks.

"I'm not trying to kill you. I fear Feyre too much for that." That earns me a laugh from the High Lady while Rhys' smirk turns a bit more genuine.

"Rightly so," Feyre says while her mate presses a kiss to her brow as if in agreement. The group takes off with their cargo and I watch them all fly, Feyre included, before she wobbles and vanishes. Humming softly with amusement, I winnow directly to the house and find her adjusting various pieces of furniture.

"Nice flying," I comment and she shoots me a look that has me chuckling.

"Didn't see you trying." She shoots back and I shrug as I adjust my stance to balance better.

"When I'm a bit steadier on my feet with my wings, then I'll try being steady in the air." She smiles at that before nodding and drumming her fingers on the oak banister.

"Thank you for trying with Nesta and Elain." She says and I can see how much it means to her written over her face. I take a deep breath and nod.

"My siblings are gone. I'm happy to help yours." I tell her honestly and her smile softens, the tilts so it's a bit crooked.

"Rhys doesn't count as a sibling yet, then?" She teases and I groan.

"Definitely not." I return and her smile fades as her eyes lose a bit of their playful light.

"He really is excited to have you here. Family ties haven't turned out the best for him and now he only has Mor, so to have you here..." She trails off and shrugs. "it means a lot to him." My fingers fiddle with the end of my green scarf before I nod carefully. Maybe I'll try to see him in a different light than just an infuriating one. We turn to the doors as Azriel walks in with Elain bundled in his arms and sets her gently down on the plush carpet. She looks up at him and something in me squeezes at the gentle smile ghosting over his lips.

"Would you like me to show you the garden?" He offers and she nods once before he offers her his arm. She takes it and marvels at him for a moment.

"Beautiful." She murmurs and warmth floods my heart when Azriel blushes before they walk towards the back doors. "I want her to come." They pause next to Feyre and I when her eyes zero in on me. I blink, but make my way to Azriel's other side while Feyre nods in encouragement. He offers his arm to me, but I opt to rest my hand lightly over his instead so I can feel his scars. Feel who he is. We walk out the back into bright sunlight that has me wincing before my eyes adjust.

It's breathtakingly green, and there are several benches, tables, and lounges scattered amongst the green and stone. I release Azriel's arm to explore at my own pace as he escorts Elain around, but I feel his eyes on me more often than not. I don't know most of the names of the plants bursting from the dirt or reaching up the side of the townhouse, but I can hear Elain name a few on the soft breeze.

I take a breath of the fresh air and realize I haven't spent much time outside since training with Azriel. Heat bears down on me from the sun and feels delicious on my dark wings. My eyes scan a distracted Azriel and Elain at the other end of the garden before I let my wings snap open. Muscles scream and ache, but my attention goes to the searing heat sinking into the dark expanses of them. A smile, a real, full smile, blooms on my face at the feeling as I turn my head up to soak up more rays.

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