Chapter Twenty-Two~Illyrian Babies

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Everyone is quick to leave after that and we're mostly quiet at dinner in the townhouse that night. My promise to Azriel that I'd find a place of my own here in Velaris, perhaps even a place that we'd come to share, seems like it was days ago rather than hours. The wind had been effectively swept out of our sails and we're all a bit disheartened.

"We should have evacuated months ago," Nesta murmurs while poking at her food.

"We can go to your estate tonight—evacuate your household and bring them back here," Rhys says gently, but my head is already shaking when Nesta answers.

"They will not come."

"Then they will likely die." I shoot Rhys a slightly disapproving look at the harsh words, even if they are true. Nesta only straightens her silverware.

"Can't you spirit them away somewhere south—far from here?" Nesta tries again.

"That many people? Not without first finding a safe place, which would take time we don't have." Rhys considers. "If we get a ship, they can sail—"

"They will demand their families and friends come." Silence engulfs the room at the impossibility of that.

"We could move them to Graysen's estate," Elain says and all our heads swivel towards her. She swallows. "His father has high walls—made of thick stone. With space for plenty of people and supplies. His father has been planning for something like this for...a long time. They have defenses, stores...and a grove of ash trees, with a cache of weapons made from them." Even I wince at the snarl from Cassian and Azriel beside me shakes his head slightly at his brother.

"If the faeries who attack possess magic, then thick stone won't do much." He says harshly before I kick him in the shin which earns me a glare.

"There are escape tunnels. Perhaps it is better than nothing." Elain says quietly. The Illyrians glance to one another around the table.

"We can set up a guard—"

"No. They...Graysen and his father..."

Cassian's jaw tightens. "Then we cloak—"

"They have hounds. Bred and trained to hunt you. Detect you." We all stiffen at that and I shut out the image of maws filled with fae blood and limbs. Azriel's wing brushes against mine.

"You can't mean to leave their castle undefended." Cassian's voice is slightly gentler. "Even with the ash, it won't be enough. We'd need to set wards at the very minimum." Elain considers his words then nods.

"I can speak to him."

"No." Nesta and Feyre declare the word at the same time.

"If—if you and...they" –she looks around the table at all of us— "come with me, your Fae scents might distract the dogs."

"You're Fae, too." Nesta reminds her.

"Glamour me," Elain says determinedly. "Make me look human. Just long enough to convince him to open his gates to those seeking sanctuary. Perhaps even let you set those wards around the estate." Everyone seems to consider her words, but both Feyre and Nesta have sour looks on their faces.

"This could end very badly, Elain." The High Lady warns, but her sister is merely fingering the ring on her finger.

"It's already ended badly. Now it's just a matter of deciding how we meet the consequences."

"Wisely said," Mor says with an encouraging smile towards the young woman, then her gaze moves to Cassian. "You need to move the Illyrian legions today." She says and I straighten in my chair as I feel Azriel's displeasure. The male nods and winks at me, then he looks to Rhys.

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