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We left the tunnel and ran around the side of the building until we stumbled across train tracks in the road. I guessed some sort of transport used to run along the roads and would have to stop to let the train pass -- what a wait that would be -- and we started looking for a spot to get onto the train at.

After a few minutes, we found a bushy area near the transport building and crouched behind the plants to wait.

"You know," Sniper said, "I never thought we'd actually make it this far. I started off just wanting to get out of the Core and I always thought about the immediate future, because that's what I needed to think about to survive. And I think I just kind of doubted us. I was happy enough just about getting away and honestly--" he sighed and shook his head-- "there have been so many times in just these last few days where I genuinely thought we were about to die."

I laughed. "Like the plane crash?"

"Oh my god, totally. And I'm so sorry for crashing that plane because it could've been really useful."

"It wasn't your fault," I replied. "And anyway, if it belongs to the Core, it most likely had some sort of tracker on it."

"Which reminds me..." Sniper took his backpack off his shoulders and dug around in it. He pulled out the piece of technology that we had used to identify the animals in the forest. "When we were being chased by those metal creature things, I saw something inside some of them that looked a little bit like this. I'm not sure but I think they might've found us because this might be tracked."

I slapped my forehead. "I can't believe I never thought of that before. Oh, but do we really have to get rid of it? It's been so useful."

"Sadly, we must," he said, and threw it as far as he could. It landed in a puddle on the road with a small splash. He turned back to me and grinned. "I think I hear the train. Listen closely."

I did, and I could hear a rumbling sound gradually coming closer from down the tracks. We had positioned ourselves so that when the train arrived at the station, we could slip into one of the compartments at the back of the train while the Masks were occupied at the front. Of course, they would probably have to fill up each compartment, so we would wait until they had finished before getting on as quickly as we could.

The rumbling got louder and was joined by the loud honk of a horn, and we looked down the track to see a pair of headlights in the distance, approaching quickly.

"We should probably step back from the tracks so that we don't go deaf," I said with a laugh. It was good that we did, however, because when the train passed us, I had to cover my ears and crouch down. I did not expect it to be so powerful both in its sound and its force.

Once the front of the train had passed, it started slowing down as it pulled into the station. I grabbed my bag and prepared to run, trying to ignore all the thoughts going through my head. This was it. The opportunity we had been waiting for, to fully be free.

The train slowed to a full stop with a screech and I heard the voices of the two Masks at the station. "When do we go?" I asked Sniper.

"They're probably going to come down the entire train," he replied. "Even the parts that aren't in the station. I say we wait until they're done loading the compartments and then hide in one of the already filled ones."

We waited for longer than I expected for the Masks to load the train. They must've called in some extra help at some point because when something fell and crashed, there was more than one person shouting profanities. At one point we were almost caught, when a Mask walked all the way to the end of the train to check its compartments, but after some time, the sound of boots walking along the length of the train became less frequent.

We heard a shout of affirmation from the station, and took it as our chance. I sprung from the bush we were hiding behind and made for a compartment near the end of the train. I could see the wheels slowly starting to turn again and heard the horn make its ear-splitting noise again. For a moment, I thought we might not make it, but no, I was close enough to almost touch the train now and the wheels weren't turning that quickly.

I was reaching my arm out, stretching my fingers to grasp the edge of the compartment when I heard a shout from my left. "Hey! Stop right there!"

My heart nearly leapt out of my chest, but my fingers latched onto the compartment and I was pulling myself inside it when the first bullet whizzed past my ear. I gasped and struggled inside, but another one caught me in the thigh before I managed to pull myself completely in.

I had barely collapsed on the floor of the compartment when I heard Sniper yell my name. "Arthemis!" I dropped my gun and realized he was still running for the compartment. "Arthemis!" he repeated, stretching his arm out. "Help!"

"It's okay!" I yelled back, trying not to panic. "Grab my hand!" I reached for his hand and was relieved to find he was close enough to grab it. With one hand, I held onto the edge of the compartment to stop myself from falling out and with the other, I tried to help him onto the train.

"Stop!" the Mask yelled, pointing his gun at us again. "Get off the train!"

I ignored him even as I heard his gun click, and focused on hauling Sniper into the train. Bullets started whizzing by again, one barely missing my arm. Some of them hit the compartment, making loud clanging sounds as they collided with the metal surface.

"Drop your gun and hold on with both hands!" I shouted at Sniper. He looked hesitant for a second, but then dropped it and did as I said. I used all the strength I could muster and pulled him toward me. Another bullet flew by my head, and with a jolt of energy fueled by fear, I yanked Sniper off the ground and into the compartment. The Mask let out a shout of anger, but the train was moving too quickly for him to catch up to us anymore.

Sniper collapsed onto the floor of the compartment and lay there, breathing heavily. His grip on my hand stayed just as strong.

"You okay?" I asked him, trying to ignore my leg for the moment. Sniper didn't reply.

I think that was when I realized something was wrong. 


A/N: One more chapter to go eeeee I'm excitedddd

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