Chapter 2: Blame the Goddess!

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During my time on Earth, I was living pretty well if I say so myself.

I was rich, handsome, smart, and athletic. My life was pretty much on easy mode and I knew it. I was pretty much set for life.

Other than that, I liked reading online novels every now and then.

There was one that I started reading that got pretty popular near the end of it. It was called "Eternal Glory" and centered around a prince character called Takagi Inari. I only started reading it because the main character had the same name as me.

His appearance was kind of similar to mine. He had soft olive green hair and hazel eyes. He had multiple piercings in his ears and he had a really handsome face. His face had a pretty charm while also exuding dominance and arrogance, and his natural smile had an elegant yet domineering aura.

To be honest, the main character was really the only reason I read the series since I never expected him to have my name and look so much like me.

The problem was that the story was so frustrating to read.

The MC definitely had the same name and appearance as me, but he was such a fucking wuss and kept doing that hidden identity act. Like, how many chapters do I need to read for people to finally realize that he's the one doing all that shit, and for people to stop taking credit for all of his work?!

Ah~ and he also has an annoyingly goody-two-shoes personality. Something about justice or some shit.

It was just a really frustrating read, and I'm pretty sure he could've beaten the villain a long time ago, but because of some morality code or whatever, it's taken forever.

However, finally. It's the last chapter of his confrontation with the villain of the story.

After a 20 chapter long fight, it's finally the end, and I can finally see the bastard get his head chopped off!

I continue reading with a happy look on my face as I wait for the stoplight to change.





I read the same paragraph again and again.

"Inari took a sigh and withdrew his weapon. He didn't kill him. He couldn't kill him. He knew that not all people could be evil and that everybody deserved a second chance, like how he was given one in life. If he took away someone else's chance, wouldn't he just be a hypocrite? His own sense of justice didn't allow him to kill this man. What right does he have to judge him?"


As I was walking across the street reading what happens afterward, hoping that maybe the MC would change his mind, my last hint of hope disappeared as the chapter ended.



I threw my phone ahead of me in a fit of anger! What the fuck was that?! What was all that buildup for?!

However, I suddenly realized I wasn't looking at where I was throwing because I saw that I threw it at a little girl and she flew forward.

Shit! I didn't mean to!

However, before I could go over to check if she's okay and apologize to her mother, I suddenly heard a loud sound.



I turned my head to see what was happening, but the first thing I saw was—

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