Your P.O.V Chapter 12

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Its been two weeks since I woke up and I still haven't been claimed. I don't mind though. At the moment I'm heading to my first weapon training in the arena.

"Alright. Today we'll have selected people fighting Nico. The rest are with me. The people with Nico are Blake, Travis, Connor, Emile, Duston and (Y/N). The rest are with me." Percy yells.

I grab Blake's hand and he leads me over to our small group. I realise that I'm the only girl.

"Great. We have heart break girl." Travis complains. I wack him one and Connor growls.

"How about this. I fight both of you together if I win...I hang your undies on the flag pole for a day." I say to them.

"Same here but we get your bra as well." Connor says. I blush scarlet.

"(N/N) please don't." Blake begs.

"Deal." I say sticking my hand out. We shake on it.

"Here once classes are over." Travis whispers in my ear.

"Alright. Stop flirting Travis. I want to asses your skills. Ladies first." Says someone.

I whirl around and quickly asses the person. He looks around my age, with an almost black-brown hair colour, olive skin, chocolate eyes and all black clothes. He also has slight bags under his eyes and an old aviator jacket.

I feel my favourite sensation glide across my skin and I try hiding my smile.

"Well then. Travis your up." I say smirking. At least I can release some of my smile.

"What?" Travis asks confused.

"He said 'Ladies first.' I'm not a lady but you, on the other hand, are." I say slowly like I'm talking to a toddler. May as well be talking to one.

"I don't care how cute you are (Y/L/N), you're gonna have your undies hanging from that flag pole." Travis says. I try hiding my blush. He thinks I'm cute? No one has ever said that.

"Cute. That's new. Too bad you look like a troll. Plus you're not my type." I say back hiding my glee. I turn to Nico and smile. Now this boy seems more like my type. He looks cute in that bad boy, emo way and he emits a sense of death.

"Let's begin." I say getting into position.

"You need a weapon." Nico says impatiently, pointing to a wall full of weapons. I shake my head no.

"No need. I'm fine with what I've got." I say twirling my thumb ring. Nico glares at me and I size him up.

Nico lunges and I dodge.

"C'mon Nico. You can do it." Someone yells. Travis.

"Shut it Travis." I yell at him. I see a shocked expression on his face from the corner of my eye and I smirk.

Nico keeps swinging at me but each time I dodge. I dodge him again and again but we're both becoming sloppy and tired. The cool sensation on my skin begins to burn and I grimace in pain.

Deciding to quit playing around so that no one sees my pain I stand stock still. Nico swings at me and I knock the sword out of his hand with my palm and I stand behind him pressing the gem on my ring and placing my sword on his neck.

"It was fun playing around. I have to go now." I say retracting my sword and running off. The cool sensation on my skin is burning me like the person that has always made me happy wants me dead.

I race to a secluded part on the beach and wade into the water. The burning doesn't subside but the water does help.

"Hey. (Y/N) isn't it. Are you okay?" Someone calls.

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