Chapter 1

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Okay so the first few chapters might suck because I started this a long time ago and my writing kinda gets better as the story progresses so just bear with me :-)


Michael, Ashton, and Luke have been my brother, Calum's friends for almost my whole life.

The 4 boys were really close, so they were all at my house a lot. I didn't mind, though. They were all great friends and really nice guys, if a little weird. Actually, a little weird didn't even begin to cover it. Of all my brothers friends, I was closest to Luke. We were really close friends, that perfect friendship when you can make fun of each other but never get offended, and kiss each other on the cheek without assuming it meant anything. He could cuddle with me or sleep in the same bed as me and it wouldn't be weird to either of us. I knew Luke would never hurt me. My girl friends always teased me and Luke, joking that we were dating because apparently we acted like we were, or they'd say that we were an old married couple because we bickered a lot. Sometimes, it was a little irritating, but oh well. They were just joking. Although, when I had first met Luke, I'll admit I had thought he was cute. Once I got to know him, I lost that concept of him and thought of him as more of a brother figure than a love interest. Sure, I flirted with him a bit, but it was just a joke to piss my brother, Calum, off; he didn't want any of the guys dating me. He was very protective of me, being my brother and all. All of the guys were protective of me, but it was different with Calum. He never wanted me to date or anything, and he especially didn't want me dating his friends.

Luke and I were putting our school books into our lockers, which were right next to each other. It was time for lunch. Luke and I had the same lunch hour, as well as Cal and a few of my friends from the high schools swim team. I usually sat with my girl friends, but in the lunch room Calum and Luke both called my name and motioned for me to join them at their table. I looked over to my girls for permission; they looked from me to Luke and made kissy faces and hearts with their hands. I rolled my eyes. My friends are weird.

I plopped down on the cold metal bench across from Luke and in between my brother and some bulky, grumpy-looking jock that I didn't know the name of. I accidentally elbowed him in the back of his head while wedging myself into the spot, and his head whipped around, eyes accusing. His eyes meet mine, then slid down to my chest. He lost the mad look and smiled, then turned to talk to yet another jock sitting across from him. Stupid boys. Dumb Jock #1 said something to Dumb Iock #2, causing him to look my way. I caught his eye, and he smiled at me in a way that made me uncomfortable. He just looked at me for a long time, while I just sat there fidgeting, looking down at the table. What was I supposed to do? I was too shy to stand up for myself.

I don't really like the word 'popular ' because it gets such a bad image, but the whole school considers me one of the popular people, I guess because I'm on the swim team and, apparently, I'm stereotypically popular-high-school-sports-team pretty. I figured that was why they were looking at me like that, and also because they were hormonal teenage boys on the football team, which is pretty self-explanatory.

I'm sure that not all school football teams are that bad, but the football players at my school were disgusting animals with no filters.

I glanced at Calum and Luke to see if they noticed and, sure enough, they were staring at the jocks with looks that made diving into a frozen lake seem warm and welcoming. I shook my head. I continuously told them that I could handle myself, but of course they never listened. They loved me too much, they always said. There needs to be more people on this planet like them. I snapped my fingers under their noses to get their attention.

"Calm down guys, it's alright. He's just some... Kid. Just because he's looking at me doesn't mean you need to do... Anything. He doesn't... he isn't anything. Just... let's talk about... homework! What do you guys have for homework?" I stare at them and they stare back, an awkward silence forming in the too- loud room. The only reason I was trying get them to just let it slide was because they had tried to use violence to resolve this kind of thing before, and it hadn't ended well, for anyone.

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