Chapter 8

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When I awoke the next morning, my head was on Clarissa's stomach. Her slow, sleepy breathing matched mine, our chests rising and falling in sync. Her long, slender fingers were tangled in my hair, like she had been playing with it before she fell asleep. She probably had; it soothed her, always had. I tried to get up, slowly untangling her fingers from my hair, putting her hand on her stomach. She stirred, her eyes cracking open. She smiled slightly at me before rolling over, burying her head in the pillow. Her ass was now right in front of my face and I couldn't to resist jokingly smacking it. All of a sudden she rolled back over, looking at me like she knew what I was thinking. I raised my eyebrows, a smile lighting my face, and she giggled. Clarissa threw a pillow at my face before she stood up and walked out the door, stepping over the sleeping boys on her floor. Her brother had fallen off his perch on the office chair, and was now face down on the floor. His sock-clad foot was on Ashtons shoulder, who was sleeping in his side, on the floor. Michael's back was leaning against Clarissa's dresser, his chin nearly disappearing into his neck. Clarissa pointed at him and giggled. I smiled, taking her in. Her eyes twinkled, despite the sleepiness etched across her face. Her hair somehow still hung in long, soft waves, sleep had not messed it up one bit. Her bare arms had impressions on them from being pressed against the sheets for so long. Clarissa was only wearing a black sports bra and black and green flannel pajama pants, but this was nothing new. She always got really hot in her sleep, so she always wore a sports bra or a tank top to bed. She was so skinny-almost too skinny. Which was weird, because she ate more than Michael. I would say that was impossible, if the proof was not standing right in front of me. I guess I stared at Clarissa for a little too long, because she chuckled and turned around. I followed her out the door, stepping over the sleeping beauties strewn around the room, like they were land mines. We successfully made it to the kitchen without waking anyone, and Clarissa had a bowl of cereal in her hands in five seconds. Cereal was her second favorite food, next to grapes. I don't understand her sometimes. I honestly prefer apples over grapes and toast over cereal.

If I said that in front of Clarissa, I think she'd tackle me.

Clarissa had finally finished her cereal and was putting it in the dishwasher. I sat on the couch, pulling my phone out of my jeans pocket. I played around with a couple apps for a bit but my boredom got the best of me. Clarissa, who was on her own phone beside me, paid no attention to anything other than the screen of her phone. I rested my head on her shoulder. No reaction. I nuzzled my head closer, pressing my nose against her neck. Nothing. I pressed my lips to the warm skin of her neck briefly. She tensed a bit, but continued to ignored me. After about forty neck and jaw kisses, Clarissa was giggling uncontrollably and pushing me away. In order to keep her in place, I straddled her. She slapped me in the face after about twenty more kisses and I was forced to resort to tickling her. She screeched and laughed and tried to get me to get off her. My thighs clamped into her sides tighter so I didn't fall off the couch. She was laughing uncontrollably, her face turning red from the giggles and not being able to breathe. I stopped tickling her and collapsed on top of her, my head resting on her chest with my hands holding her wrists and my legs still on either side of her. We were both breathing pretty hard. We probably looked like we had been doing something...else, with me on top of her, my head nuzzled into the crook of her neck, both of us basically panting. Clarissa realized this, and tried to push me off of her, unsuccessfully. I held tight and she sighed, then wrapped her arms around my neck, pulling me closer to her. I straightened my legs out so I was no longer straddling her, but laying on top of her. Her hands started to play with my hair, then draw little shapes on my back, then tickle my neck. We cuddled on the couch for half an hour before the boys shuffled in. Calum glared at me, even though Clarissa and I did this all the time. I tried to get up, you should never make Calum grumpy in the morning, but Clarissa wove her arms around my waist and pulled me back down...even closer. Our waists were pressed even closer, as were our chests. Usually, she would've refused to get this close to me, especially with her brother around. Not today, apparently. She didn't release her hold on me, kept us pressed against each other. I pressed my lips to her collarbone, where my cheek was resting. I did kiss her all the time, but that didn't stop the fluttering in my chest. She smiled and ruffled my hair. She started tracing my eyebrows, which was a bit weird, yes, but Clarissa had a tendency to do sweet, weird things like that. She moved to tracing my cheekbones, then my lips. How did I ever...what did I do to deserve this...girl? I can't even think thoughts are wild...I'm thinking of Clarissa...she's tracing my lips...I love you, Clarissa...

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