Chapter 4: Don't get caught.

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There I stood, frozen in fear. I felt naked and exposed, unable to move or defend. Those eyes laser-focussed on me. No turning back, no denying anything. I had to make my move before it was gone, and the delay was speaking volumes I couldn't deny. The forbidden fruit was ripe, ready to be eaten.

"Here you go, it's all yours. Enjoy." I smiled nervously, tossing the forbidden fruit to a pair of waiting hands. Unfortunately Menace's little hands are bad at catching oranges, so she fumbled it and it rolled away, distracting her long enough to shove Greg back and not have to explain myself. Izleena strolled into the kitchen as I straightened my hair and pretended not to be seducing myself.

"Didn't expect you to be here." I blurted.

"Well I needed to drop Menace off, and your phone said you were home. You didn't answer my call. I hope you don't have plans?" she asked looking confused as Greg suspiciously moved around food in the fridge without meaning.

"Oh no." I scoffed. "Just thought I would take up Homicideball again. With a few Delmarians recently joining our colony, I just figured why not? Needed a Greg body up and running and calibrated. You know how it goes." I bluffed.

"Well you have been under a lot of stress, so don't overdo it trying to build a team. I know how competitive you get. Make sure you're enjoying yourself, and not just adding more conflict to your life."

"Well..." I grinned slyly. "You know how I enjoy conflict and I assure you this is therapeutic, and I'm enjoying myself plenty, or I will be later." I said, embracing the technicality to hide my deception under my usual smart-ass banter.

"That's good. You work too hard most the time and a little Gizzy-time to just play and unwind isn't a bad idea, unless you over think it and get too focused on winning. Just remember it's a game, and it's not about destroying your enemies, it's about having fun, interacting. Don't hurt anyone too bad trying to pointlessly score. You have a public reputation now. Sometimes it's good to let the other side score a few times, just to make it interesting." Izleena informed, almost making me chuckle aloud as Greg snorted slight, wiping beer from his nose.

"Oh don't worry, honey." I grinned. "I have been really open to the idea of taking one for the team as much as dishing it out. Maybe even about as much as 50/50 for a fair balance."

"Because it's just a game." Greg chimed in, nudging me discreetly. "And sometimes I have to let other people score, tone down my dominant side long enough for everyone to enjoy the game, otherwise there's no fun in it." He said, giving me a shitty look. "And how could I possibly argue with myself on that?" he added, knowing damn well if I started arguing with myself, the jig would be up. I wasn't used to being the prey, and as much as I wanted to fight back, they were both right, there is a time and place to play fair and a time to let someone else win. We're as patient being chases as we are chasing." So I let his commentary slide.

"That's fantastic." Izleena smiled, sighing with relief. "I'm always worried that you let that competitive nature get in the way of your own enjoyment. You know I don't understand sports, and I hate violence, but you have to do you, even when I don't understand it. Anyway, I have some business people to dazzle. One of the humans liked my new purse design, and they want to market it. It's so nice feeling like I'm connecting to someone outside of just work." She smiled.

"I completely agree. Go have fun, we'll watch Menace for the afternoon. You do you, and I'll...also do the same." I added, looking at Greg who seemed as a concerned as I was.

"Good, I'll pick her up at 10. Don't let her eat too much junk food. I know you cheat when I'm not watching." She smiled innocently, waving and turning with a spin like the princess she was. The sound of Menace singing to her cartoons in the other room, accented the silence as the front door slowly closed.

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