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The alarm goes off early and as bad as I hate to get up it's even worse because I know she is leaving for a few days

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The alarm goes off early and as bad as I hate to get up it's even worse because I know she is leaving for a few days.

She turns over and yawns. "I don't want to get up." She said.

"I don't want to get up either and I definitely don't want you to go." I sigh.

"I'm sorry Jace I'll be back soon." She said getting up going to the bathroom.

I watched her walk out of the room and I know that she will be back but I wish I could go with her.

I throw some clothes on and put on my shoes when she walks back up with her hair up in a bun and she has on a pair of jeans and a sweatshirt.

She grabs her roll on luggage she's taking with her. "Wait I'll carry that for you," I said as we head downstairs.

"Maybe we should get a dog? I mean we have a nice backyard for one." She smiles.

"Yeah, maybe we should. Something to think about." I lean down and kiss her and walk over to the fridge for a couple of drinks and granola bars.

After I drop her off at the airport I have to head to work. I'll never have my mind on work today.

We get in the truck and she leans over the center console and grabs my hand and laces her fingers in mine.

I look over at her and smile and she squeezes my hand. "I love you, Jace."

"I love you too Willow and I already miss you." I chuckle.

We pull up at the airport and I get out and walk around and open her door. When I open it she's smiling and she wraps her arms around my neck.

I hold her so close against my body and smell her. She always smells so good like coconuts. Not sure if it's her shampoo or what.

She pulls my face to her and kisses me. Her lips are so soft and tender. I close my eyes and soak her in.

"Are you walking in with me Jace or are we saying goodbye now?"

"No, I want to go in with you Willow." I said kissing her again before I grab her bag.

We walk hand in hand inside the airport and she walks over to check in so I go stare out the window until she's done.

She walks up behind me and wraps her arms around me. I turn around and she's smiling. "I'm going to miss you Willow."

"I'm going to miss you too but I'll be back in a few days. I promise you that Jace. I can't wait to spend my life with you."

"When you get back we will talk wedding alright?" I said before kissing her lips.

"You bet! We will talk wedding. Casey is ready to plan it." She laughs.

I wrap my arms around her waist and put my face in her neck to breathe her in. "Call me when you make it ok Willow?"

"I promise I will Jace. As soon as I land I will. I'm going to get a cab to my place and start packing up what I want."

The overhead announcer is saying it's time to board. She looks at me and tears up. "I love you, Jace. I gotta go now."

"I love you too Willow so much. Talk soon." I said grabbing her face and kissing her lips a couple of times.

She smiles at me holding back tears and I wink at her and watch her walk off. I stand there a little bit longer and then turn and head back to my truck.

I miss her already. Dammit, how am I going to be able to work today when all I can think about is her?

I get to work and find Ben and Noah already cutting down trees. "Sorry, I'm late I had to take Willow to the airport," I said.

"It's ok we figured you would be late," Ben said.

"I'm surprised you didn't go with her," Noah said.

"I wanted to but I can't just leave this," I said.

Dad walks up and puts his arm around me. "Why don't you three go get a plane ticket and get out of here. She's going to need help and I got this covered here." Dad smiled.

"Really dad? We can go?" I smile.

"Go get your girl son and bring her back here safe with her car and a Uhaul on me." He hands me a wad of cash.

We finish what we are doing while Noah books our flight and calls Jordan to let him know. We head to the house to grab a few clothes and then to Bens to grab a few things and we rushed to the airport.

Once on the plane, I'm feeling butterflies in my stomach. I've never flown before. Noah is beside me watching a movie and Ben went off with a flight attendant to join the mile-high club.

Some things never change with him. He comes back when a bunch of packs of nuts and a few drinks. He looks over at me and smirks.

I'm glad I don't have to do that anymore. Life is pretty much great for me right now. I can't wait to see Willow even though she's only been gone a few hours.

We land and get a cab to the address that Ben has in his phone. I hope that's Willow's address.

The cab stops at a nice building and we all three get out. I pay the guy and we walk inside and head toward the elevator.

"Well here goes nothing." I laugh as we find her door number.

I knock on the door and no one answers. I turn around look at the guys. Then the door opens and there is my beautiful girl.

"Jace? What are you guys doing here?" She smiles.

"We come to help!" I said grabbing her and kissing her lips.

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