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I'm laying in bed thinking about Jace and the words we expressed to each other tonight

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I'm laying in bed thinking about Jace and the words we expressed to each other tonight. If I hadn't been crying I would have told him I love him. It was on the tip of my tongue and I don't know what to do about it.

I'm so confused about how I'm feeling. I'm even having second thoughts about returning to the life I have in California.

Could I be an interior designer here in this small town? Could I have the life I've always wanted with Jace?

I toss and turn in bed when my phone beeps.  My heart speeds up when I pick up the phone. I see Jace's name and I smile.

📱Goodnight Willow. Sweet dreams!❤️

📱Goodnight Jace.😘

I turn over and try to get some sleep. I know I will see him tomorrow and I need to be prepared for what I want to say to him.

I flip and flop all night. I don't sleep well at all. All I want is to be cuddled in Jace's arms.

I decide to get up and shower and get ready and go make coffee. I look at the clock in the kitchen and it's 6:30 am. Good grief it's way too early to be up.

My dad walks into the kitchen. "You are up early princess."

"I know I couldn't sleep." I sigh.

"Want to talk about it?" He asked sitting down and I grab him some coffee.

"Dad I don't think you want to know about my love life." I laugh.

"Yes, I do if it's important to you Willow." He said.

"Dad it's complicated. I left here after high school to get away. I knew that Ben would never let me be with Jace so I thought getting away from him I would forget him and I kinda did until I got back here." I sigh.

"I see the way Jace looks at you princess and it looks like a man in love. He has never smiled so much." Dad said.

"Dad I have liked him since I was a teen and he feels the same he told me last night. I have kissed him quite a few times too." I said.

"How does that make you feel Willow?" He asks.

"It's a feeling I've never felt before in my life." I laugh.

"That's love princess. You need to have a serious talk with him." Dad said.

"I know that's why I couldn't sleep last night. I know we need to talk." I sighed taking a sip of my coffee.

Just then mom walks out scratching her head. "What are you two doing up so early?"

"Having a heart to heart mom." I smile.

Ben walks out of his room. "Wow everyone is awake!"

"What are you doing up early?" He asked.

"Just having coffee with dad." I yawn.

"Oh well, I gotta get ready to go Jace should be on his way," Ben said grabbing a banana.

Dad looks at me and gives me a slight nod. I know I need to talk to Jace.

A light knock on the door and Jace appears. "Morning everyone!" He smiles.

"You boys wait I'm making your lunches." Mom said.

I get up from the table and go over to Jace. "Can I talk to you for a min?" I ask.

"Sure Willow." He said following me up the hallway.

I close the bedroom door behind us and motion for him to sit on the bed. I sit down beside him and sigh. "Jace listen I couldn't sleep last night thinking about you and what we said last night in your truck," I said.

"Willow wait I didn't mean to say anything that would confuse you or make you take a step back from me." He said.

"No that's just it Jace," I said standing up.

He jumps up from the bed and walks  over to me. "What?"

"Jace I can't hide my feelings anymore. I'm so confused about my life and you make me so happy." I said.

He cupped my face and brought my lips to his . He didn't let me say another word. He realized that I feel the same way about him.

Before I can say anything there is a knock on the door. "Jace we need to go," Ben said.

"Can we talk later Jace?" I ask.

"Sure I'll be by to get you when I get off." He said leaning in for a kiss.

I kiss his lips like I'll never get enough of them. "I gotta go." He said against my lips.

"Bye," I said sitting back on the bed.

I watched him leave and close the door. Oh, I'm in big trouble. I was about to confess my love for him.

I grab my keys and phone and head back toward the kitchen. Mom and dad were just staring at me. "I'm heading on to the shop to do some pricing," I said grabbing my jacket and heading out to my car.

I get to the shop and start pricing ornaments to get my mind off of things. My phone beeps and I pull it out of my back pocket.

📱I hope you have a great day. I can't wait to see you this evening. 😁

📱Don't work too hard Jace. I'll be counting down the hours. 😘

I get about one hundred ornaments done when mom and Edward walk in.

"Wow, you got a lot done this morning," Edward said.

I smile at him and then at mom and continue to work on ornaments. They are talking and laughing and I'm in my own little world.

"Willow, do you think you could help me remodel a little bit?" Mom asked.

"Sure mom whatever you want me to do. Do you have any ideas?" I ask.

"I do I want to move some ornaments into another area. Like the ones that dont sell as well as the others. I want to put them out front on discount." She said.

"I can do that for you. We can start today if you want but I need to do it my way." I laugh.

"Sure I give you my word you can do it your way." She smiled at me.

I stuck my tongue out at her as she walked by.

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