Car ride - Clyde Barrow

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"Goodnight," I yell to my manager from the break room and a started grabbing my things to head home for the night.

"Goodnight, see you tomorrow." She yelled from the floor of the diner.

I throw my jacket over my uniform, placed my hat on, grabbed my keys and head out the back door.

As I walk through the streets of the town I live in, a car comes speeding past me. As he blasted by, it pushed a gush of the cold air to me, which shuffled me.

It looked like the driver was going at least 60 mph.

"He must be in a rush." I mumbled, fixed my hat and jacket, then kept walking.

Suddenly, the same car speeds up and slows to a stop right next to me.

"Well, hello sugar," the driver rolls his window revealing that he was particularly good looking and had a sweet voice. The kind of voice that so dreamy you get lost in.

I blankly stared at him and took in this view.

"What's a pretty thing like you walking all alone in the dark for? Hmm sugar?" He said snapping me out of it.

"I'm heading home, and what's a man like you doing speeding all around everywhere?" I sassed back with a smile.

"Well," He lifted up his hat and ran his fingers up through his hair, then held his hat to his chest.

"I just happened to be passing through here, until I saw a pretty lady like you, sugar." He smirked. "Why don't I give you a ride home, huh? I'd hate for someone as beautiful as you to walk home all alone in the dark on this cold night."

I looked at him and folded my arms contemplating going with him. "Well, It is getting late.." I trailed off letting out a sigh that you could see in the cold winter air.

He grinned and placed his hat back to on his head, "Then what are you waiting for, huh? What do you say?" He gave me a hopefully look.

"Alright," I laughed and headed to get into the passenger seat.

As I got in, he stuck out his hand. "The name's Clyde Barrow, and who do I have to pleasure of riding with tonight, sugar?"

I shake his hand. "(Y/N) (Y/L/N)"

Clyde smiles, "Well (Y/N), I think sugar suits you much better."

He places his hands back on the wheel and we speed off.

Word Count: 413

Authors Note: Let me know what you thought of this one : )

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