Movie Night - Jeremy Jordan

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I come walking out to the living room and begin setting up blankets and pillows on and around the couch. I turn on the tv, and give Higgins a few pets before scooping him up, and heading to the kitchen.

Jeremy was putting snacks together, and making dips and so on.

I walk over to him and bump his shoulder with mine, "I'm excited." I smile, still petting Higgins who was now cradled in my arms like the little baby he is.

"Me too, Princess," Jeremy said, wrapping one arm around me while her grabbed the snacks with his free hand. "You ready for movie night?" He smiles turning us toward the direction of the living room.

"Born ready, baby." I smile, leaning into him a bit.

"Good, so what movie did you chose?" He laughs as he takes his arm from around me to grab the rest of the snacks. He headed into the living room to set them down on the coffee table.

"What? I thought you were choosing the movie?" I followed after him.

"Well, I've been so busy with work, and you know I feel bad-" He starts.

"Jeremy, don't feel bad. I'm so proud of what you've accomplished. You work your tail off everyday, please don't feel bad." I sit on the couch and place Higgins down. I wrap my favorite blanket around me. I pat the empty space next to me for Jeremy to sit.

"I know, but I want to watch whatever you want to watch." He sits down.

I wrap the blanket around him and lean into his side. I rest my head on his shoulder, and he wraps his arm around me.

"Hmm. How about..Tangled?" I tilt my head up to look up at him.

He looked back down at me, and I couldn't help but smile as our eyes met.

"Of course, princess." He smiled and leaned down to kiss my lips. I couldn't help it. I was so happy, I just couldn't stop myself from smiling through the kiss.

He chuckled at me, the grabbed the remote to open up Disney+. I nuzzled my face into the crook of his neck.

The movie started and we enjoyed the night cuddled up and eating snacks.


word count: 376

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 06, 2022 ⏰

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