A move back home

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Ok you're 16 in this 6 years after you move to Japan. Your POV:

After a long day of hanging out with Eiji and trying to convince him to get back to pole jumping I finally arrived home, I was so exhausted but all I wanted to do was lay down and go to sleep. I walk into my house with my parents patiently waiting for me.

"Y/n" your mother takes a deep breath your father jumps in and says " we are sending you back to the states." "WHAT!" "You can't just send me back!" I snap back with my eyes welling with tears. "I'm so sorry dear but your grades have been slipping and we can't have you stay here" "you will be leaving in 2 days"

I storm up to my bedroom tears gushing down my face ( ok not important to the story but holy shit I've gotten so much better at writing) ok time skip to the next day because I'm a lazy ass bitch that wants to get to the point:

I wake up to my rooster alarm clock going off. I groan in agony as I slam my hand on the red part indicating five more minutes.

After snoozing another amount of times I finally decided to get up. Swinging my legs out of bed and standing up almost falling from being so worn out of last night's fiasco I put on my uniform for the last time. I walk out the door looking for eiji for the last time. With luck he is waiting for me with a big smile and wave

Looking at my face and probably realising it was red and puffy. His smile soon turned into a look of concern "y/n! What happened! Are you ok!" Bombarding me with questions.

I never really fit in so he offered to go to the park and just skip so we can talk it out. We arrived and I had to tell him everything by the end we were both a sobbing mess. His parents were at work. We walked in and Eiji grabbed a plastic bag and said "we are making friendship bracelets." I let out a soft chuckle but agreed

After watching a movie we both finished. I put mine on his and he did the same to me. He looked at my wrist and said "you always wear that bracelet as well, why?" I looked down and let out a soft chuckle.

"My childhood friend gave it to me before I moved here." "Oh what was their name?" He replied "umm shorter, shorter Wong." He immediately took out his phone and started searching different social media platforms for Anything about this so called shorter Wong. But of course he couldn't have any so he put his phone away and looked over at you. You had almost fallen asleep. Smiling, he picked you up and took you next door (yes your neighbors...)

With a finale goodbye he gave you the biggest bear hug ever and both of you let out soft cries.

this is a repost i just fixed spelling 

word count: 515


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