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"oh my darlin, oh my darlin clemintine," this was the verse max had been singing for thr past 30 mintutes. "ah shut up old man!" Ash yelled annoyed.

i was in the back of the truck with shorter asleep on my stomach.
"Well be their soon" max said and continued singing. "Ahh shut up you old fart!" Ash yelled. I giggled at how mad he got.

"WAKE UP!" Ash yelled. Nobody moved. "I SAID GET TOUR LAZY ASSES UP!"
"But my lazy ass is tired!" Shorter whined beside me, also clinging to me for dear life.
I chuckled and started to wiggle out of the boys grip.

"It's so pretty here!" Eiji said from beside me. "I know and look at all the trees!" I countiuef.
Both of us started taking a walk down a cliff.

Shorters pov:
I finally made my way out the truck but y/n wasn't their. I glanced left them right but no sign of my partner. "Hmm?" I took it gg my glasses which I only just slide on, "she took a walk with Eiji." Ash pointed to the cliff the to were standing on. Ive noticed that ash has taken extra close watch on Eiji lately, I can tell even now that he's glaring at y/n. "I don't like Eiji with y/n." I broke the silence. "I don't like y/n with Eiji." The blond clapped back. "Someone's got a crush~" I love teased. "Well at least I don't get jealous of someone hanging out with another person!" Ash was blushing and stormed away angerly "aren't you doing the same thing?!" I yelled after him. Whatever. I thought.

I was about to make my way over to y/n and Eiji but then t-they hugged!? I'm stormed over fuming at someone trying to take my y/n. Sliding my hand around her waist. "It's pretty isn't it?" Eiji asked. "Yes" "yes" both of us said synronystly.

Sorry this took so long I've been under some stress sooooo ya I'll post regularlyish again🥴


Word count: 348

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