Chapter 10

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Logan was helping prepare the sandwiches while Patton was finishing the other thinks. He poured the lemonade into a glass jar and backed it in the basket. Then he wrapped up the cookies and put them in the basket as well. He grabbed a frisbee toy and the finished sandwiches and put them in the bag.

"Patton, are you sure we should have this picnic in the woods?" Logan asked as they walked through the beautiful trees.
"Of course!" Patton smiled. "I've been to the place were we're going hundreds of times! Its too pretty too not have a picnic there!"
"If you insist."

The three wolves looked at each other nervously. Patton didn't know, and could never know, what lurked in these woods. What, or who, was after them. They just hoped this area Patton spoke of was secluded enough.


The four arrived at at a beautiful clearing. There was a large willow tree and small pond.
Patton laid the blanket out. Logan and Virgil sat down and began to eat. Meanwhile Patton and Roman played fetch.

"I really think we should tell him." Virgil said to Logan. "It isn't fair to keep all these secrets from him. Last time we kept a secret we almost killed him."
"I understand your point," Logan said. "But he still seems to be shaken from last time. Lets give him some time to calm down before telling him about them."
Virgil nodded.

The two looked up at Patton, throwing the frisbe for dog Roman. Roman yipped and jumped around happily. Patton threw the frisbe too far, and Roman ran into the trees after it.
"Roman wait!" Patton called out. He ran after Roman and disappeared into the trees.

A few seconds later he came back out screaming, Roman in his arms. Following him was a Janus, smirking. Logan and Virgil ran to Patton and Roman, shielding them.

"T-The guy from the grocery store has fangs!" Patton cried. "H-he was gonna bite Roman-"
"Stay back Patton," Virgil said as he growled at Janus.
"I don't know how you found us, but leave us be Janus." Logan said.
"You think after all this time searching for you, I'm just going to leave you be?" Janus chuckled.

Janus turned to Patton. "Dear I must thank you for telling me the location of the wolves. Very much appreciated!"
The three looked at Patton, who himself was shocked.
"I-I don't remember telling you anything!!" He cried. "H-he just helped me grab milk and that's all I remember!"
"He must've thralled you," Virgil roared at Janus. "How dare you!!"

Virgil launched himself at Janus, claws out. Janus side stepped, and Logan attacked next. Janus gracefully spun around him. Roman(now human again) tried, but Janus leapt above him.

Which landed him right behind Patton. He grabbed Patton's shoulder and Patton tensed.
"Not a step closer," Janus wanted, and the three werewolves froze.
Janus sniffed Patton's neck. "My My, you smell incredible...It would be a shame if someone like me tasted you~"

Patton was terrified. But Janus was behind him, so he couldn't look in his eyes. So nothing was stopping him from jabbing him in the chest with his elbow. Which he did.

"Run Patton!!" Roman cried.
Patton obeyed and bolted through the woods. He could hear howling and hissing behind him, but didn't look back.


"If you dare touch Patton again we'll kill you!!" Roman roared.
"I thought you weren't into killing?" Janus smirked.
"This is different." Virgil growled.
"You hurt Patton." Logan glared.
"I was only after you three," Janus smirked. "At first."
"Excuse us?" Roman demanded.

"I smelled you on the human." Janus paced sassy-like.And he fulfilled his purpose of leading me to you. But he does indeed smell delicious! I might just have to have a bite-"
Roman launched himself at Janus and tackled him. He punched him in the face, and Janus threw him off of him.
Janus chuckled. "I doubt it." Janus disappeared into the shadows.

Roman tried to go after him, but Logan stopped him.
"We need to get to Patton." Logan said.
Roman nodded, and they rushed back to the house.


The three werewolves bursted through the back door. They locked it and closed all windows and doors before they rushed to Patton.
"Are you ok?" Virgil cried.
"Are you hurt?" Logan asked.
"Did he bite you?!" Roman breathed. "Oh God-"

"I-I'm fine..." Patton whispered. "J-Just shaken...and confused. You all have hid so much from me. What is going on?"
"Janus is a Vampire. Along with his friend Remus." Virgil said.
"They two are after us, because werewolf blood is rare." Roman said.
"If they drink just one of us dry, they'll gain eternal youth." Logan explained.

"But wait? Don't vampires live forever?" Patton asked.
"Yes, however it doesn't stop outer aging." Logan clarified.
"Vampires are very vain creatures." Roman said.
"Almost as vain as you," Virgil chuckled.

Suddenly they all saddened.
"Wh-What?" Patton asked.
"Janus....he wants you now too." Logan said.
"He says your blood smells tasty," Virgil growled.
"But we will not let him hurt you." Roman declared. "We will protect you with our lives!!"

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