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Nakul POV

"Of course," Dev said giving me a smile though knowing him I can see right through it. 'I swear if he's blaming himself for this!' I think to myself but before I can say anything;

"Now, I will just do a couple of tests to see how much you've healed and how that shoulder is," Vaidya Ji interrupted my thoughts. He sits down on the wooden table beside the bed pulling out a scroll and ink.

"Hmm..." I nodded still looking at Dev who was now watching Vaidya Ji keenly.

"Just pick this up for me with your right hand," He said holding up a small bottle of ink.

It was tiny I didn't even have to think before lifting it up with my right hand. My shoulder though hurt at the sudden movement, the weight was easy to lift.

"Good," He says with a smile, I nod.

He then hands me a small book, also light. Not something that took a lot to pick up.

Dev smiled at me. This went on for a bit he'd give me something slightly heavier each time. I was able to lift everything until he gave me a bigger book. I tried to lift it but from the weight felt a searing pain in my upper arm and shoulder, making my hand shake. I bit the inside on my lip trying to hold it up, I should be able to hold this up! The hot pain only increased though as my shoulder protested to any strain. Just as I was about to drop the book a hand held mine to make it steady.

"You ok?" Dev asked taking the book from my grip.

The book fell, I couldn't hold it up anymore, I didn't understand why I couldn't... I'm sure I could lift it before.

"Yeah I'm fine," I said softly my eyes still on the book. He just nods clearly not convinced.

"You did well, the shoulder will take a while to heal itself but it will get better with time." Vaidya Ji said noting some things down.

"Hmm..." I nodded.

"Well, I'll leave you to rest, you're not to be out of bed or putting any sort of strain on your shoulder. I will come and reapply the medicine before dinner." He said before looking at Dev.

"I'll stay with him," Dev answered the unasked question.

Vaidya Ji left the room leaving me, Dev, and the two other people who had apparently helped us.

A heavy silence fell in the room... no one said a word just awkwardly glances at each other.

"Dev can I talk to you for a second?" Vaidya ji's daughter, I think Vrushali asked.

Dev looked at me concerned, "You can talk here," I said looking towards dev and then at her.

Dev also looked up at her and nodded slightly, "It's ok kul I'll be right back," He said before getting up.

Before I could say another word they both left the room leaving me alone with Karn. Who came and sat at the small stool beside my bed.

"What's going on?" I asked looking at him.

He smiled softly, "Nothing to worry about kid."

"Doesn't stop me from worrying so why don't you just tell me?" I said.

"Why don't you tell me what happened?" He asked avoiding my question. I roll my eyes.

"I'm assuming dev already told you," I said. Dev most likely told them a story and contradicting that would only make hiding who we are harder.

"He did..." Karn said.

"Well, then I don't wanna talk about it," I said effectively ending the topic.

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