Chapter Six

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Mark was exhausted.

After his crying/hugging session with Yuta, they went back inside the warehouse.

They all decided to eat lunch together, before Yuta, Kun, and Jeno dismissed everybody to go home.

Mark was happy when he got in the car with Yuta. He was slightly embarrassed after he outed himself as a thief.

Although, lunch wasn't any better.

Mark and Yuta walked back into the building, both of their faces red, the younger's eyes red as well.

Everyone was in deep conversation, until Shotaro spotted the two.

"Hyungs!" he yelled. "Come sit, come sit!"

Everyone was silent, and staring at them at this point.

The two made their way to the table, sitting in their same spots from earlier.

Except Shotaro was sat next to Mark rather than Johnny, (Shotaro begged Johnny to move so he could talk to Mark, "You don't know what happened out there hyung," is all he said to get Johnny to move).

"Ah hyung! I hope you're okay now!" he threw his arms around the older, rubbing his face on his shoulder.

"Shotaro I'm fine now," he tried pushing the younger off; without success.

"Shotaro..." Yuta growled.

Shotaro immediately let go, while Kun burst out laughing.


"I'm sorry Yuta," he laughed. "It's just that, you're being so defensive over someone before."

Yuta's face went white.

Shotaro and Jeno burst out laughing as well, eventually causing everyone to look towards the end of the table.

"What are you guys laughing about?"  Yang Yang whined. "Ten and I were having a moment."

"Yeah," Taeil groaned. "A gross moment that nobody wanted to see."

"We were just kissing!"

"Your hands were on his ass the whole time. And I'm pretty sure you gave Ten a boner."

Yang Yang looked at Ten. "Sorry babe."



Mark slammed his head in the table. He wanted to laugh, but seeing Ten and Yang Yang's relationship, he realized he wanted that. He wanted to be able to do that, to kiss someone else's lips.

Then he imagined him and Yuta having that relationship. He couldn't do anything to hide the blush on his face-especially with the fact that Shotaro was leaning on his shoulder-so he used the table to his advantage.

So and of course Jeno noticed-he did slam it on the table, enough to make a bruise on his forehead-and started questioning him.

Yuta noticed his embarrassment, and out a hand on his shoulder. "Markie do you want to go home?"

Mark slowly nodded his head.

"Alrighty let's go then."

Mark stood up slowly, sudden dizziness sending him backwards.

Luckily Yuta was there to catch him.

In front of everybody.

In front of Kun, Jeno, Shotaro, and Sicheng, who were already plotting on how to get the two together.

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