Detention and More Detention

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You do what Spider Man said and immediately start working out. There are some weights and a pull up bar in the basement, so it's easy to get started. The only spidey ability that you seem to have control over is sticking to surfaces and climbing walls. You've figured out how to keep from getting stuck to everything you touch.

The first thing you need is to get in shape, because the day you spent running around on top of buildings was one of the most exhausting days of your life. Your instincts are kicking in though.

A few days into your second week of school, when you're back in gym class, Dinah throws another basketball at you. You're turned away from her, talking to Dani on the side of the court, but you can practically feel it the second it leaves her hand.

You spin around and catch the ball in one hand.

"Dude." Dani gasps. "That was the coolest thing you've ever done."

"I doubt that's true." You scoff. "I'm pretty cool all the time, Dan."

"Whatever you say, spidey."

Dinah stomps toward you. "Give me my ball back."

"Sure thing." You hold it out for her to grab. Just as her hands graze it, you toss the ball across the gym.

"You little-" Dinah goes to push you, but you side step and she just stumbles forward. She turns on you again, this time swinging out with her fist. You duck and kick her legs out from under her. "What the fuck?!" Dinah jumps up and runs at you.

You step to the side and trip her, sending her straight into the wall.

"Ouch." Dani says under her breath. She grabs your arm. "I think you're about to get in trouble though."

You look up just as the gym teacher storms over to you. He points a finger at you and Dinah. "Both of you! Detention for the rest of the week!"

Dinah just huffs and goes back to her friends.

You sigh and turn to Dani. "Well, that's not what I was hoping for."

The taller girl wraps an arm around your shoulders. "Wasn't it worth it though? Dinah's face was priceless!"


You spend the entirety of detention just drawing in your sketchbook. You rushed through your homework during free period, and now you can't stop drawing Spider Man. Eventually, that turns into you sketching different versions of the spidey suit. You start wondering if you should have a suit of your own, but before you can delve too far into that, detention ends.

You hurry through the front doors of the school, prepared to walk home, but you see Lauren parked out front. You climb into the passenger seat and she smiles at you.

"Why are you picking me up?" You ask.

Lauren starts the car and pulls onto the road. "I just happened to get off early. Oh, and I brought you this." She points to the cup holder where there's a coffee.

"Thanks, brown eyes." You say, grabbing the drink to take a sip. "So, is Christina totally pissed?"

"Not from what Dani said." Lauren tells you. "Dani said Christina agreed to not even mention you getting detention, since it was Dinah you fought, and you didn't really even fight her."

"I didn't fight her. I just kept moving out of her way."

Lauren shakes her head. "Either way, you can't get detention anymore. I doubt she'll be as understanding a second time."

By the time you get home, dinner is already done, so you sit down to eat. Lisa slides a phone across the table for you, and you eye Christina before grabbing it. The oldest Cimorelli doesn't argue, so you tell Lisa thank you and put the phone in your pocket.

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