No One Can Find Out... Except For Dani

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The morning after Spider Man's death is a Saturday, but you aren't allowed to leave the house. Christina actually forbid you from leaving your room unless it was to go to the bathroom or get food.

It wouldn't be so bad if Dani was around for you to annoy, but she had to go to the library to work on some group project for school. Lauren and Lisa are both at work, so that just leaves you alone in your room while Christina catches up on work. She's an elementary school teacher, so most weekends are spent grading papers.

You're laying on your bed, staring at the ceiling with your arms crossed under your head, when the door opens. You lift your head, but see that it's just Chris, so you go back to looking at the ceiling.

Christina leans against the door frame. "Tell me what really happened and you only have to be grounded for today."

"I already told you, Chris."

"So, you left to find a bathroom, tripped down the stairs, broke your phone, and decided to just walk around New York city?"


Chris rolls her eyes as she pushes off the door frame. "Fine, but you're grounded until you tell me the truth. I don't care if it takes until you graduate." She closes the door and goes back down stairs.

You just groan and roll onto your side. You still have a year and a few months until you're eighteen, but you're pretty sure Christina will be telling you what to do for the rest of your life. She still tries to tell Lisa and Lauren what to do. But you do all live in her house, so you guess that's fair.

You grab your old iPod and start listening to music. Lisa said she would bring you one of her old phones to replace the one you broke, but Chris is going to hold on to it for a week anyway.

You can't stop thinking about Spider Man and that building exploding. Yesterday was probably one of the craziest days of your life and you can't tell anyone about it. You wouldn't know where to start, and it's not like anyone would believe you anyway.

After almost an hour of laying there stuck in your thoughts, you go to the window and slide it open. You sit in the window sill, facing the building beside your house. It's only one story tall, so you're looking down at it from the second story window of your room.

"Spider Man could make that jump." You mumble to yourself.

You climb back into the room, pull on your jacket, and sling your backpack over your shoulders. You just want to see if you can make the jump. It won't be hard to sneak back in since you can apparently climb up walls.

You sit back in the window sill, take a deep breath, and leap off. You land on the roof of the other building, stumbling a little bit from the impact.

"Woah." You look back at your open bedroom window, which is at least fifteen feet above you. "That's awesome."

You should climb back inside before Christina comes to check on you, but it suddenly feels like your veins are buzzing. You want to see what else you can do. So you pull your hood up to hide your face, and start running across the roof.

The buildings on your street are pretty close together, and not very tall, so you easily bound across them. You get to a particularly tall building a few blocks away and have to climb up the side of it to get to the roof. You're tempted to try and use the webbing, but you feel like it wouldn't go well. You don't want to get too ahead of yourself.


When Dani gets home from the library, she finds Christina already working on dinner.

"Hey, Dan. How did your project go?" Chris asks.

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