Where Is Spider Girl?

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"All anyone has been talking about lately is this mysterious new Spider Girl and where she could have come from." The news anchor says.

You grab the remote and change the channel. This time it's footage of you carrying Ruth out of the building and turning to run inside. It cuts to some shaky video of the explosion, the one you caused after striking that gun. You change channels again.

"The question remains, where is Spider Girl now?" Another news anchor says, with a sketch of you in your suit right by his head.

You groan and start flipping through various channels, not landing on any of them for more than a second.

Christina suddenly sinks onto the couch beside you and grabs the remote. She turns the tv off and sits the remote on the coffee table.

"I'm such an idiot." You sigh, pulling your blanket tighter around your shoulders. You've been home from the hospital for a week, after spending five days there, and all you've done is sit on the couch and watch tv.

It's not like any of the girls will let you do much else anyway but you're starting to lose your mind.

"You're not an idiot." Christina says, resting a hand on your shoulder.

You're the only two in the house, since everyone else is at work and Dani is at school. You've been having to do all your work from home and Christina has taken off a few times to stay home with you. Today is one of those days.

"They got away, Chris." You mumble. "They killed Spider Man and they got away."

"And that's not your fault."

You let your hands rest in your lap and you glance down at the scar on your right wrist. You haven't tried to use any of your spidey abilities since you left the hospital.

Dani did tell the authorities about Dr. Gale and Mike but they never could find them. Part of you thinks maybe they died in the fire or explosion, but you can't be sure.

"Y/N." Christina wraps her arm around you and you lean against her. "This is not your responsibility, okay? You're still just a kid."

You nod even though you don't agree with her. It does feel like your responsibility. Spider Man is dead and you're the closest thing left. You can't stop thinking about what Mike and Gale said, that there was a reason they wanted you dead.

Someone asked them to kill you and that someone can't be planning anything good.

The only thing good that really came out of the whole ordeal is that it seemed to dissolve any tension between you and Christina. You kind of had to tell all of the girls the entire story, with Dani interjecting every few minutes to add her thoughts, and so Chris finally found out what you had been hiding.

She hasn't even mentioned you being grounded, but your injuries keep you from leaving the house anyway.

The front door opens, and Dani, Lisa, and Lauren all come inside at the same time. They immediately crowd you in the living room, Dani sitting on your other side and Lisa and Lauren sitting on the ground by the coffee table.

They've all kind of been smothering you lately but you can't really blame them.

Christina gets up to go to the kitchen. "What do you guys want for dinner?" She asks over her shoulder as she walks away.

Lisa shares a look with Lauren before speaking up. "Katherine said her and Amy could come over with some pizza? If that's okay?"

Christina is quiet for a few seconds before she says, "that sounds good. Maybe we can rent a movie or something."

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