The Suit

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"Oh my god. Oh my god." Dani softly squeals through the ear piece. "You're going to get a spider suit!"

Aunt May chuckles and you realize she must be able to hear the other girl. "It might take a few days, but I made Peter's suit. I made a few of them."

"Well, I actually.." you take off your backpack and pull out your sketch book. "I kind of drew up some designs the other day? I didn't really realize I was doing it but.." you hand her the book, flipped open to the page were you had sketched a few designs.

"You never showed me!" Dani says, but you just shush her.

Aunt May looks up at you with a soft smile. "I can definitely work with this, kid. I need to know what kind of stuff you can do."

"I think I can do what Peter could, stick to walls, shoot webs. I did this electric shock thing, when I first got bit, but I haven't been able to do it since."

"That's really interesting." Aunt May mumbles to herself. "We'll probably go through some prototypes, but we'll get the perfect suit eventually."

"Awesome." Dani mumbles.

You have to leave just a few minutes later, because buses are about to stop running.

"Come back in a week, okay, kid? I'll have a suit for you to try out. Oh, and feel free to bring your friend."

You smile at the woman as you step off the porch. "I will. Thank you."

"How do you feel?" Dani asks as you half walk half jog to the bus station.

"Kind of a lot better." You admit. "I don't feel so lost."

"Good. Now hurry up and get back here because I'm exhausted."

"I'm on the bus now." You say, taking a seat in the back.

You and Dani talk about random stuff while you're on the bus, and once you get home you hurry to climb back up to your room. Dani is on her bed, wrapped in a blanket.

She gives you a lopsided grin. "I still can't believe you've got all these cool spidey powers. I want some."

You chuckle and flop onto your bed. "Maybe I should have kept that spider."

"Dude, you should have. This is literally so awesome."

Dani rambles on for a few more minutes until you both pass out from exhaustion.


The entire next week at school feels like it drags on forever. You can barely even pay attention in your classes. The only one that you really do well in all week is gym.

You literally do laps around Dani, and each time you pass her she grumbles about how annoying you are. You actually don't even mind sitting through detention because you spend the entire time making Spider Man sketches. It's mostly the original Spider Man, but a few are variations of the suits you showed Aunt May.

When Friday finally comes around, Dani waits until your final detention is over so you can walk home together.

"I have a plan for tomorrow." Dani says. "Let's convince Christina to let you out of the house tomorrow. We can tell her that we have to go downtown for some kind of class."

"Do you think she would buy that?"

Dani shrugs, glancing over at you. "I mean, today was your last detention? And you haven't caused her any migraines yet this week."

You roll your eyes. It feels like giving the oldest Cimorelli a migraine must be one of your powers.

"Just let me do the talking." Dani says.

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