Green Goblin

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A few weeks into the second semester of school, and stories of Spider Girl are starting to die down. You go out almost every night in the new suit but you only stay out for a few minutes.

You spend most of your time just focusing on school work and making drawings to take to the comic book store. You sell a couple of them, but you know it's only a matter of time before Christina starts trying to make you get a job.

She's been easing up a lot, but you know it's only because of how hurt you got that she's been letting you get around with not doing much.

One day, when you and Dani are walking out of school, you immediately notice the chaos. There are police cars flying by and people are crowding together on the street to look up at the news buildings.

Dani grabs your arm and pulls you down the sidewalk so you can see what's going on. There's footage of something flying around up town, where the bridge stretches across the river. It looks like Green Goblin, but he's supposed to be locked up.

Peter Parker locked him up years ago.

You open your mouth to say something, but close it when you see something on the bridge exploding.

"Dani, I have to go." You say, tightening your grip on your backpack. The new suit is safely tucked inside.

Dani locks eyes with you and nods. "I'll go home and get my ear piece and some web packs and meet you down there. Please be careful."

"I'll do my best."

You pull your bag into your arms and hurry to find a place to change.


Dani flies through the front door, but stops in her tracks when she sees all her sisters gathered in the living room. They're watching the news footage of the goblin attacking the bridge.

Dani manages to sneak to her room and grab the ear piece and shove the web packs in her bag. She's sneaking back to the front door when Christina turns and sees her.

"Dani, there you are." The oldest girl says. "Have you seen this?"

Dani walks to the living room, peering around Katherine to see the tv. "Um, yeah. I saw a bit of it on the way home."

Lisa glances at Dani. "Is Y/N with you?"

"Oh, um.. no.." she sees a flash of something on the screen. It looks like Spider Girl. "Uh, she had to stay after school."

Christina turns back to the tv and Dani braces for her to see what's going on. They are definitely showing footage of Spider Girl swinging towards the bridge. Part of the bridge is burning, and police cars are already speeding towards it.

You land on one of the iron archways that goes across the bridge.

Dani tries to back out of the room but Christina grabs her shoulder to stop her.

"Is that Y/N?" Lauren asks.

Katherine shakes her head. "It can't be. Her suit was thrown out."

Christina narrows her eyes at Dani. "Her suit did get destroyed. Didn't it?"

Dani holds her hands up. "Of course. That suit was thrown out, Chris, we all saw that."

Katherine closes in on Dani's other side. "And there's no way she could have gotten another?"

Dani looks between Kath and Chris. "Well... technically, no one ever said she couldn't get another one."

"Oh my god." Christina takes a step back, running a hand through her hair. "She's going to get herself killed."

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