Christmas Special

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Christmas break starts just two weeks after you're stay in the hospital, so you don't end up back at school at all that semester. You managed to still get A's in all your classes though and you'll be ready to go back once break is over.

Most of the break is spent watching Christmas movies and drinking hot chocolate. There are still news stories all over about Spider Girl, but you don't let yourself watch them. 

Christmas Day at the Cimorelli household is about as normal as usual. Katherine and Amy come over. Amy makes pancakes for breakfast and everyone gathers around the tree to open presents. It's a little bit chaotic, because everyone wants to open their presents at the same time.

You end up with a new sketchbook from Christina, and Katherine gives you a giant set of charcoals and colored pencils, so you know they planned it together. Amy gave you some hoodies, Lauren got you some Bluetooth headphones, Lisa got you a giant blanket, and Dani got you a stack of comic books.

After all the presents have been opened, Christina grabs a trash bag from the kitchen and drops it in Lisa's lap.

"You guys have to clean up, since me and Kath are making dinner." She says.

"Fine." Lisa sighs. She starts shoving wrapping paper into the trash bag.

Lauren rests her arms over the coffee table, looking over to where you're lounging in the recliner. "Couldn't you use some spider powers to clean this up faster?"

You sit up, letting your feet land on the floor. "I can try." You hold your hand up, turning your palm toward the ceiling.

A web shoots out, wrapping around a pile of wrapping paper and pulling it toward you. You aren't able to grab it, and instead end up with paper raining down around you. Thanks to the webbing, some of it sticks to your clothes.

Lauren puts her hand up to cover her laugh, but Lisa doesn't even try to hide hers.

You grumble a few insults under your breath as you start grabbing the paper. Dani is laughing too, but she at least helps you get the wrapping paper in the trash bag. By that point, Amy has found a Christmas movie to watch and everyone turns their attention to that.

After dinner, you head up to your room while Dani goes to play some new video game she got. You just lay on your bed, sketching in your new book. You mostly draw Spider Man and you as Spider Girl. You even do a quick sketch of Lauren and immediately turn the page.

Dani comes into your room just a few hours later.

"So, you have one more present." She says, hovering near your bed.

You close your sketchbook and sit up. "What is it?"

Dani reaches into her backpack and pulls out what looks like a small shoe box.

"Is it shoes?" You ask, grabbing the box. You pop off the lid and see the Spider Girl mask looking up at you. "Dani, is this..." you grab the mask and reach in to pull out the rest of the suit.

This one looks almost like your original one, but the red is darker, almost crimson, and it looks sleeker somehow.

"I asked Aunt May to make it." Dani explains. "It's got a few upgrades. For one, there's a built in ear piece in the mask so you can't forget yours anymore."

"Dani." You look up at her. "Thank you, but I... I don't think I can be Spider Girl anymore."

"You don't have to be." Dani gives you a small shrug. "But you can still try it on?"

You look down at the mask for a few seconds before you sigh and stand up. You step into the closet to pull the suit on. It fits just as comfortable as the first one, and you can feel the excitement start to course through you. Dani is smiling like an idiot when you step out of the closet.

"I just still think this is so awesome." She says.

You pull the mask on and move to look in the mirror that hangs on the wall. You really do like the suit. You turn back around and see Dani standing at the window.

"You should test it out." Dani says, motioning to the window. "I'll cover for you, but I don't think Chris would even have the heart to get you in trouble."

"Okay, but just for a few minutes." You slide open the window and climb onto the sill. You easily push off of it and land on the next building.

It's snowing but the suit keeps you from slipping on even the most frozen parts of the roof. You easily run through the neighborhood, leaping and swinging from building to building.

This suit makes it easier to use your webs, and you're even able to urge sparks to dance around your fingers. Your side still hurts some, but after a few minutes you barely even notice.

When your ear piece starts beeping, you hit the side and Dani's voice is suddenly in your ear.

"Hey, does it work?"

"Yeah, it sounds like you're right beside me." You jump and use a tall street light to swing to the top of the movie theatre. 

"We have got to see what other cool stuff Aunt May can get us. I want a hover board so bad."

"I think you would be pretty dangerous on a hover board, Dan."

Dani scoffs. "Can't be any more dangerous than Lisa in a car."

"That's probably true."

"Plus, I've got to be able to keep up with you next time some evil dude decides to show up."

You swing onto the roof of the comic shop and slowly walk across it. "Dani."

"I know, I know. You're not Spider Girl. I'm just saying, if something changes..."

You look up at the news building, at the screen that hangs over the street. They're playing another story about you. They keep showing clips of you running into the science lab, and helping Ruth out. They show another sketch too, with a headline that says 'where is Spider Girl?'

You shake your head and turn to go back to the house.

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