Chaper 2

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So far Maddy has told me her whole life story while I hardly listen. This goddamned girl won't shut up. Her voice is high but not so high that it's annoying. Her dirty blonde ponytail bounces up and down while she... skips? "So why aren't you talking Valerie?"

"Because you wont shut up" I mumble hopefully incoherent. I usually have no problem with being rude but this girl looks different. There's something in her eyes that just plead not to hurt her.

Since when did I become mushy?

"Huh?" She asks"Nothing. Just that uh I don't have anything to say." I quickly say. She isn't phased by my lie although it's partly true.

"Well anyway back in California it was so hot all the time, but i never liked the heat. I like snow and the cold..." She continued to blabber.

I stare at her contently and she doesn't even notice. Her eyes are a blazing blue which is contradicting to her personality. She's like a marshmallow with ice blue eyes. Finally she looks at me.

"What's wrong? Why are you looking at me? Is there something on my face!?" No you are just really fucking adorable. "No you just talk a lot." "Well what am I supposed to do?" She says annoyed at my comment. "Relax" I comment cooly. She shakes her head and continues.

Soon we're at the shops in town. She stopped talking to look at the clothes and shoes in the windows of the stores.
"Wowie this is all so small! The store could be the size of my room back in California." So far all she talks about is California,but she hasn't said why she left.

"So Maddy why did you come here? This stupid town is so different and pretty much nowhere." She looks startled for a second but covers it up quickly. "Uh well I came here so that I can just relax and be somewhere different." Its an obvious lie, but I don't pry.

"Well Maddy this is the end of this little tour so you can go home now." She frowns. "Well... Maybe we can do something fun here! You're my only friend here so-" "Wait what? Friend? I didn't sign up for this friend shit. Just go home." She sulks her shoulders and starts walking...the wrong way. Oh dear God.

"Maddy you're going the wrong way. That leads out of town." "Oh um yeah i knew that i was just going of the stores" "Sure" I smirk.

"Valerie if I tell you where I live can you lead me there?" This random girl can find her own damn way home. "Uh sure what street?" What the hell.

Fender street is very far away, but for some reason I'm helping this stranger find her way home. We're almost there when I see the boy who was bothering me this morning. Great now I'm going to ruin this girl's reputation. I could have a friend though... No. Friends are not my thing.

"Okay Maddy just keep walking straight and.." The boy is getting closer he'll see me. "Go Maddy find your way I have to go bye" "Wait-" "No Maddy go home"

The boy sees us, but hopefully since my back is turned to Maddy it looks like don't know her. The boy smirks and runs across the street to push me. I don't fall but I'm turned around so Maddy can see me. She's shocked. "Hey kid! Don't push her!" Someone says. But that someone is Maddy.

"And who are you?" She straightens up and says "I am Maddison and I'm new. It's not cool to bully and it hurts others..." She continues as if it's a memorized speech. The boy looks bewildered by anyone standing up to him in such a weird way. She sounds like a child telling her parents not to do something. Cute and not working.

I suddenly burst out laughing and he angrily looks at me. Interrupting Maddy's speech he says "Don't fucking laugh at me! You have no right to do that. And your little friend can go back to the hell hole you came from." Suddenly Maddy does something un-Maddy like. At least i think she wouldn't normally do that.

Maddy steps to him and slaps him.
We are all in shock including Maddy. But Maddy snaps out of it and grabs my hand.

I feel an electricity spark and a smile plays along my lips. She starts running down the street away from the freshly smacked boy.

Soon we're in front of a small house thats run down. I wouldn't have known it existed unless I was here panting for breathe beside Maddy. "Sorry i smacked that guy. Why would you just let him push you? Why didn't you-" I interrupt her by hugging her. She stands there for a second unsure what to do. "You ask too much." I tell her. "Sometimes I think you just need to rest, don't you think?" "No never. I can't ever."
I let her go by my hand stays on hers without realizing. I let go and look away. "Why?" "You ask too much" she repeats with a smile completely dodging my question. I tuck my hair behind my ear before looking up at her and am stuck in a daze by her piercing blue eyes staring back at my lazy brown eyes. I quickly look down but she doesn't.

"What the heck happened to your ear!?" I suddenly realize what I did and move my hair back to where it was while think about how she said "heck" instead of "hell."

"Oh it's nothing really just a scratch" "Valerie your ear looks horrid! You might get an infection or something! Maybe they would cut off you ear! Then you can hardly hear! Wait who did that to you?" I rest my hand on her shoulder as I watch how frantic she is.

"Shh it's ok Maddy. I'm the one who's hurt not you." I tell her with an eye roll. She frowns at me and pulls me inside the house. The inside is also run down, but I can tell her family tries to keep it as nice as possible. I don't hear anything or anyone in the house so maybe her family is working.

She pulls me to the bathroom and gets a cloth to clean my ear. I guess my ear does look a little bad. The "scratch" starts from the side of my ear almost on my cheek and ends on my neck.

"So what happened?" She asks one question this time instead of twenty. "I was flat ironing my hair and it happened." I had prepared the lie in case someone found out.

"This isn't ever going to be heard of again." The cold voice whispered in my ear as he flicked his knife to my face. "Isn't that right Vallie?"

I look at Maddy from my memory and feel something spark in me. I ignore it like the first time,but I know I felt some kind of reassurance within me just by looking at her.

She narrows her eyes at me and looks at me carefully. She knows I lied she isn't a fool. "Valerie don't lie to me." She says to me boldly. I scoff at her, "Maddy, my dear," I say sarcastically "lies are only human nature." She continues to put antibacterial stuff on my ear and doesn't respond.

As quiet as she is right now, it is true. I can't see through her and it doesn't sit well. I want to be able to know what she's thinking because i know I'm right.

That is why I want to know what she's thinking...

Lies are human nature as sad as it is. That's just how it is. She finishes with my ear and puts on a fake smile. "All better now." She says cooly. "You can go home now. Thanks for the small tour I'll see you around" "Uh yeah." Even though I know she probably doesn't want to see me.

I walk home and it's getting dark. Winter is coming and the days are getting shorter. As soon as i get to my room i plop on my bed and sleep.

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