Shared Pain

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Yibo stopped wheelchair at the door and bent down, lifting Zhan up in his arms. The latter one immediately hugged his neck and softly kissed it   "Welcome back my love" whispered Yibo and carefully placed him on the chair, Zhan looked around with confused face

"Did you change interior?"

"Mn, just moved a furniture here and changed somethings in the bathroom too. I know this not gonna last long but still want you to be comfy, without having any hard time. Nooowwww what i have to do? What do you need? I..." Yibo nervously started moving his hands, waiting for the answer from Zhan "i want to treat you same as before, but scared too you gonna get hurt"

"You, i need only you" Zhan kept watching him with sweet smile, Yibo changed much after regaining his memories. It wasn't like he didn't love him before but... The little, weird shyness Lan Zhan always had with him even after spending shameless nights was back now, the adoration always visible in his light colored eyes, he missed... He missed his Lan er gege so much. Zhan opened his arms and not waiting even for second Yibo knelt in front of him, falling in his embrace. Zhan's warm breath teased his neck and Yibo deeply breathed in, tightening the hug. his hair was petted like baby and he wondered again, was it dream or reality

"you're really here"

"mn, you can believe it my love, we're really together"

"promise, I will take very good care of you"

"I know"

"you trust me no?"

"Mn" Zhan broke the hug and cup his face "so many times, you had to watch me on the edge of the death. So many times you had to cry for me. i know it's...i'm sorry"

"No, it was you who suffered more than me. even if you do, i will never be able to forgive myself"

"Are we going to bicker about this?" Zhan laughed and teasingly messed his hair "so that is why, let's move forward to only happiness now, together... We even won over the death, this is nothing"

"Right, i'll do my best to help you. Very soon you'll be able to walk and run to me every time i open my arms for you"

"Sure, at first we have to hire nurse and..."

"No way" Yibo pouted and shook his head "let someone to touch you?"

"Come on, it's just for medical exercises, you can't do that Yibo and plus that, you're still student. Have to attend lectures and study well"

"But if she or he wants something more, i..."

"What? Are you going to use your Bichen?" Zhan laughed and stuck his tongue out

"You tease me, i don't have it anymore"

"Mn, i do. Do you mind?" 

"how can i?" Yibo  smiled and covered his face with kisses

 "now help me to cook something ok? Just omelet is fine for the beginning"

"sure, sure" Yibo busily rolled up his sleeves and took eggs from the fridge, waiting for the next instruction

"now break them, try to separate shell from the inside wholly" 

"ok, it's hard" Yibo pouted and Zhan couldn't stop himself but chuckle, hearing weird sounds suddenly,  he raised his head and realized what just happened. Yibo looked at him with guilty baby expression  "i put shells on the pan by mistake"

🌻UNTIL NEXT LIFE🌻(WANGXIAN*YIZHAN)(COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now