The Mission

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Lord Death had called Soul, me, Kid, Liz, Patty, Blackstar and Tsubaki we were standing in his office waiting for him. "I wonder what kind of mission, Lord Death is sending us on for him to need the seven of us". Tsubaki says as she looks around the office, her hands together down by her stomach. Blackstar shrugs his shoulders. "WHATEVER IS IT, I'M GONNA COMPLETE IT. I'M GONNA GRAB THE KISHIN SOUL!!!". Blackstar yells causing everyone to have an annoyed look on their faces, Tsubaki groans softly at how loud her boyfriend was being. "Sweetie calm down, we're going to work together. Whoever the enemy is we're fighting we need to think of a strategy to work together instead of doing it separately". Tsubaki tells Blackstar calmly he blinks his eyes blushing a bit. "YOU GOT IT BABE, WE'LL WORK TOGETHER AND TAKE DOWN THE ENEMY!". I chuckled a bit, while Soul bursts into laughter Patti joins in with Soul laughing at Blackstar while Liz and Kid simply shakes their heads at Blackstar's stupidity. Lord Death soon enters the room looking at us. "Hi! Hi! Kids! Today you six will be going on a mission to stop Medusa Gorgon she's up to her old tricks again, I've unlisted Doctor stein to come with you kids this time, he can help you to stop her and put her away". Doctor walks in with a cigarette hanging from his lips slouching, his eyes blinking slowly staring at us, then at Lord Death. "don't worry I'll make sure. The kids come back in one piece". Doctor Stein tells Lord Death. "See to it as they do please Stein, okay children you are free to go now". We all have serious looks on our faces as we nod our heads and leave with Dr. Stein, him being so with us gives me an idea. "okay guys here's what we're going to do. Tsubaki I need you to turn into your Ninja sword mode when we get there, I want you and Blackstar to be the first ones to attack her, then Liz and Patty I'll need you guys to distract her. Using your Beretta M9 Pistol you should be able to injury her enough, after Blackstar and Tsubaki are done dealing with her. She should be worn out by the time Doctor Stein attacks her from behind, she's smart, fast, cunning, and agility. But I think if we stick to the plan it'll work out for us". Everyone agrees with me as Soul wraps a arm around my shoulder, causing a lot blush to go across my face. "Thats a great idea Maka, lately she's been hard to defeat. But I think with your idea this just might work". Kid nods his head agreeing with Soul. "This just might work this time, last time we tried to put a end to her. She still got away but I don't think it'll happened again". Doctor Stein chuckles softly walking towards the door. "Come on if we can beat her I'll treat you kids to some pizza". Dr. Stein mumbles under his breath we smile and followed him out of the door towards our mission.

Skip to the battle with Medusa

We were all panting as we dealt with Medusa she's a lot tougher to deal with then most of the other villains, she can enter anyone's body and control their body, make them go mad with madness, and escape death by concealing her body with a snake. She's escape quit a bit of times from us, but I hope she doesn't escape from us today. Blackstar uses Ninja sword on Medusa but she's quick on her feet, luckily Blackstar matches her speed quite a bit faster even. He gets some good attacks in until Medusa tries to hit him with his tail, Blackstar quickly dodges it. Cutting her arm with the Ninja Sword, she hisses in pain and uses her tail to knock Blackstar into the building we fought on, Blackstar groans in pain as he gets up steadily himself on his feet and goes in for another attack. Kid joins Blackstar shooting Medusa with the pistols Liz and Patty have turned into. She smirks and dodges both of their attacks, with ease she then knocks them into the building this time Blackstar is in too much pain to continue. Tsubaki turns back into her human form and consoles Blackstar but he smiles at her telling her he's fine. Tsubaki took care of Blackstar while Kid, Me, and Dr. Stein were still battling Medusa, her movements were fast but we kept up with her, Kid shot her with his guns. Hitting her a few times but still missing her. I took a changed and hit her with Soul I missed her by a inch, she grabbed me by my throat pressing me against the wall of the building. Laughing in my face. "YOU AND YOUR LITTLE FRIENDS, ALONG WITH THAT PATHETIC TEACHER WILL NEVER DEFEAT ME! I WILL TURN THIS WORLD INTO MY OWN LITTLE PARADISE!". She laughs hissing in my face, I groan out before using my legs to push her away landing crotch down on my feet, I ran towards her swinging Soul around to hit her. She dodges quickly as I take another swing at her, she's honestly annoying me I pants heavily glaring at her. Kid continued to fight along side me he hits her a few times in the left arm, she hisses out in pain before she backs away from us. Kid has a satisfying smirk on his face, I return my own smirk as well, Dr. Stein suddenly jumps onto Medusa's shoulders while in pain, he zaps her with his lighting causing her to hiss in pain falling down, she growls at us then suddenly has a disturbing grin on her face. We all look at her confused as we wondered why she was grinning, we had done it we finally beat her and she's grinning like a older man who had just won the lottery. "Huh? What's going on?! We just beat you!, Why are you grinning?!". Blackstar asks Medusa as he and Tsubaki join our room. Even though we have just beaten Medusa she still smirks. "Did you really think that, I would come here with a plan of back up?". She asks while still laughing out loud suddenly as if on cue, Ragnarok comes out of his hiding spot. With Corna he looks at Medusa growling softly. "It's about time, you call for me! Geez and here I thought, you were actually going to let those brats beat you". Medusa growls angrily at Ragnarok for his comment. "Shut up! And deal with them while I recover". Medusa says before she goes to leave to find a snake to heal her. Dr. Stein is in front of her looking at us. "Think you guys can handle Ragnarok, by yourself for awhile?". Stein asks us, we all nod our heads as Soul, Liz, Patty, and Tsubaki all turn back into their weapons again. Blackstar is the first to attack Ragnarok Tsubaki as turned into, her Shuriken form, Blackstar quickly grabs her and throws her towards Ragnarok, it hits his head and causes blood to gush from his head. He growls and screams at Blackstar and Tsubaki. "That hurt! You brats will pay for this!". Ragnarok charges at them, as Blackstar backs away and throws Tsubaki again hitting his left arm. Kid quickly shoots at Ragnarok hitting him in the middle, he screams out in pain. I take the opportunity while he is down and attack him, hitting him between the eyes, he falls down with a thud groaning in pain. Medusa and Dr. Stein are still fighting, he's using his lighting to bring her down she groans in pain as she gets hit with another one of his lighting shocks, she then has had enough of him toying with her as she tackles him to the ground trying to posses his body. Dr. Stein refuses to give into her and fights with her, they struggle a bit until she posses it. My eyes widen as I see Dr. Steins eyes change to the color of Medusa's eyes, he throws his body back as he laughs loudly looking at us. We know it's not Dr. Stein it's Medusa controlling his body, he runs towards us we all run, jump, and dodge to avoid getting shocked by his lightning. I pant a bit as I come up with an idea looking between Kid and Blackstar I signal for the boys to fall back, they nod their heads at me falling back leaving Dr. Stein to me I quickly head butted Dr. Stein. Then used both of my feet hitting him against the chest, finishing it off by hitting him with the end of scythe causing Dr. Stein, he crashes against the wall causing Medusa to finally get out of his body. Dr. Stein groans in pain as he gets up rubbing his head looks over at me. "Thanks Maka she had my body, ugh it was awful". Dr. Stein tells me as he rubs his head. I smiled at him nodding his head I then look towards Kid and Blackstar their busy fighting Ragnarok. He's getting beaten pretty badly until he grows and releases his black blood, Dr. Stein and I race towards Kid and Blackstar their jumping and dodging it. Dr. Stein grabs them pulling them quickly behind him, he looks over at me shouting loudly as he sees Medusa is no where to be seen. "Sh@t she's gone! She must have escaped while we were dealing with this! D@mn that woman! Next time she won't escape!". Dr. Stein groans as he notices Ragnarok still shooting black blood at us, we then work as a team to fight against him, Blackstar is using every weapon that Tsubaki can turn into to fight against him, Kid continued to use Liz and Patty as guns their bullets are powerful against Ragnarok, Dr. Stein blasts him with him lighting and I quickly attack him with Soul. I hit him in the middle as he falls and tumbles on the floor groaning in pain. "YOU LITTLE BRATS!". Ragnarok shouts in anger, "TAKE THIS YOU LITTLE BRATS!". Ragnarok suddenly squirts out black blood towards us, Blackstar, Me, Dr. Stein, and Kid quickly run to leave just as we are about to leave Soul turns back into his human form. He jumps in front of me getting hit with the black blood, Ragnarok laughs looking at us one more time before escaping. Soul falls down while we gather around him, I held Soul in my arms crying into his shoulder. He smiles at me softly looking at me. "Thank God". Soul whispers softly gazing at me gently, "You're safe". He smiles at me his eyes closing slowly as he slowly breathes his chest goes up and down even though he is breathing. I shake Soul shouting his name, tears streaming down his face. "Soul you idiot! Why did you do that?!". I scream as I cry holding him. Dr. Stein picks up Soul holding him tightly in his arms, looking at us a serious expression across his face. "Come on let's get him to the hospital, he'll be okay just as long as we get him to the hospital". Dr. Stein tells us as we ran to get Soul to a hospital. "Soul please be okay". I mumble to myself softly with tears running down my face.

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