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I paced back and forth in my room, mumbling to myself while my friends Tsubaki, Patty, and Liz are in my room watching me. They've been here since the afternoon it seems like Tsubaki is the one to speak up, "Maka seriously would it be so wrong to have, feelings for Soul? He's quite handsome plus he has goals in life. Maybe you and Soul can even start to have double dates with Blackstar and me". She tells me while smiling at me. I stop pacing looking back at her. "I'm not sure Tsubaki what if Soul doesn't feel the same? It would just make, things too awkward for us. We've been friends since we first met, he's my partner and best friend, I don't want to lose him if this whole dating thing doesn't work out". I tell her and the girls as I sigh softly into my hands. I started catching feelings for Soul, a couple of months ago, I think I've always felt something for him. I just thought it was in a friendship sort of way, but I don't let it get in my way when I'm on a mission. I've learned how to keep my feelings from getting in the way, I am trying to help Soul become a ultimate weapon. And I won't let my feelings get in the way of that, I sighed softly looking at the girls. "What should I do? I've never felt this way about anyone before, I don't know what to do". Liz hums a bit then looks as if she has an idea. "How about writing him a letter asking, him to meet you under the cherry tree? It'll be romance for you both. You can also pack you guys a lunch to take there, that way it's not awkward for you guys". Patti smiles nodding her head, at her sister's idea. "You can put all, your feelings into it telling him how you feel about him. Tell him that you need to speak with him, you can do it and have it planned for Saturday". Patti tells me as she sits crossed legged on my floor. I sighed softly nodding my head agreeing with Liz and Patti, telling Soul how I feel will come easier if it's written in a note. I'll tell him to meet me under the tree at the park, I'll pack us something to eat there as well. "Alright then I'll do it, I'll put what I feel about Soul into. Thanks for the advice girls". I say feeling a smile cross my lips while my friends, smile back at me. Tsubaki stands up stretching her arms over her head. "I should get home, got some studying to do with Blackstar. He likes to goof off so I have to sure he studies". Tsubaki tells me as she hugs me before stepping away so Liz and Patti, can have their turn to speak. "Yeah me too I need a nap, and Patti wants to be sure to catch her show in time". Liz tells us while Patti looks at us. "I have to make sure, I get caught up with it before the season final next week. You guys are welcome to come if you want to, we can order pizza". Patti tells us as she smiles again. "Sure we can do that, I can use a break from all the studying, and missions I've been doing with Soul anyways. Just let us know when so we can be prepared". Patty laughs a bit and salutes me. "Yes ma'am!". We all bursted out laughing after that. We gave each other one last goodbye hug then they leave to go home, I sighed softly walking over to my desk taking a sit in my chair. I placed a piece of paper down and grab a pencil, I looked at the paper as if it's going to write itself. I sighed softly as I think about what the girls told me. 'Write a letter telling him how you feel, if you can't say it out loud then tell him in a note'. I sighed softly biting my bottom lip softly. This isn't how I wanna do it with Soul, he's my best friend if I'm gonna tell him, exactly how I feel about him if should be coming from me. I sigh softly placing the paper back into my drawer, and the pencil back into the cup. I get up from my chair and walk out of room to go get dinner started for us, Soul and I live alone together for some weird reason the school thought it was a good idea for the Meisters and weapons to live together. They thought it would help us to get along so we can have a stronger bond while we have missions, but I didn't think I would ever fall in love with Soul. He's sweet, caring, handsome, protective, and smart when he wants to be. He and I want to be able to catch 100 souls so he can become the ultimate weapon, and I'm going to help him no matter what. I gently knock on Soul's door backing away from it as he opens up the door, he let's out a yawn stretching his arms a bit as he notices me. Giving me a gentle soft smile. "Hey Maka what's up?". He asks me as he looks at me with the most beautiful smile ever. "I was wondering what did you want for dinner since it's my turn to cook?". I asked him moving a piece of hair behind my ear. He looks at me before thinking for a bit on what to have. "Fried chicken with rice please". Soul tells me while grinning. I chuckle softly nodding my head at his food request. "And tomorrow I want, to have spaghetti for dinner please". I tell Soul smiling back at him. He smirks crossing his arms over his chest. "You got it Maka! It'll be the best spaghetti you've ever had, in your life!". He laughs then coming out of his room to set the table while I go cook dinner for us.

                             Time Skip to Dinner Time.

Soul and I seat down enjoying our meal together, he sighs happily as he enjoys the fried chicken and rice. "So how was having the girls over?". Soul asks as he stuffs his face with food. "It was good we just, talked about random stuff mainly for a hour or two. How was hanging out with Kid and Blackstar?". I asked him in return as we eat. He drank his coke to help wash down the food before he starts speaking again. "It was great we went, to the arcade and played a couple of games. Next time we should make it a group thing, invite everyone out then go enjoy some pizza". Soul says this as he helps himself to more food. "Sure sounds good, we should let the others know then. We can have it for next Saturday". I say finishing up my food and water, Soul keeps eating talking a bit with his mouth still full. "Sounds good to me".

             Time skip to after bath, and cleaning.

After dinner Soul and I cleaned up then took turns having our showers. We weren't tired yet so we decided to watch a horror film, don't know the name of it but it was pretty good. We relaxed finding myself cuddle against Soul while, we watch the movie I blush slightly going to move from Soul. But he pulls back into him as we watch the movie, my blush darkens as we watch the movie. I look up to see Soul having a bit of a blush on his cheeks as we are close to each other, I calm myself down by breathing slowly in and out. So Soul doesn't notice how loud my heart is beating, we watch the movie until it ends Soul yawns loudly covering his hand with his mouth, he blinks away the sleepy tears from his eyes. I check the time on the clock seeing it read 10:48 PM, I hadn't realized it was getting so late we were focused on the movie. A yawn escapes my lips as well, I rub my right eye looking at Soul, "We should get going to bed it's late anyways. Your turn to make us breakfast in the morning too, whatever you make will be fine with me". I tell him as he looked at me before speaking. "Alright then I'll get up and make us breakfast, I know just the thing to make us". He says while grinning softly at me. I smile back at him before getting off of the couch, walking towards my room calling out to Soul. "Goodnight Soul sleep well, have sweet dreams". I hear him chuckle under his breathe. "Goodnight Maka sleep well, have sweet dreams too". And with that we both close our doors to our rooms gently, I sighed softly leaning my back against the door. Looking back at my desk, I walked over and sat down like earlier, I grabbed the paper from in my drawer again. I take my pencil from my pencil holder, and this time I actually did start to write. I didn't write how I felt about him on the piece of paper but I did write Soul, to meet me at the park tomorrow at around 2:00 pm, under the cherry blossom tree. I wrote to him that there was something I needed to get off my chest. I wrote to him how I wanted to tell him face to face and that, I hope after I tell him this that it won't ruin or affect our friendship in anyway. I then set my pencil down on my desk and folded the paper neatly before placing it, into a envelope placing a star sticker on top of it. Getting up from the chair I carefully walked out of my room, it's a good thing Soul is such a heavy sleeper. Otherwise I would not be able to do this, I tiptoe to Soul's door stopping in front of it before signing softly, I slip the note underneath his door then make it back to my room. I sighed softly as I closed the door to my room walked over to my bed taking off the covers carefully I laid down turning off the light then got comfortable in bed once I do I look up to the ceiling wondering if I made the, right decision to do this, that if Soul doesn't say yes will it make things weird and awkward between us. I groaned a bit as I realized that I might have just ruined a friendship because of my feelings for Soul. "Guess we'll find out tomorrow, what happens". I mumble softly to myself softly in the darkness, as sleep finally decides to come to me. And I fall into a peaceful sleep as I wait for tomorrow to come.

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