Saving Him From Nightmares Part 2

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We made it to the hospital on time, Dr. Stein parks the car and the six of us gets out. "You guys can head in there, I'll be in there soon as I finish my cigarette". He tells us as his cigarette hangs from his bottom lip, Dr. Steins glasses are hanging low off of his face as well. We nod our heads looking at them. "Alright Dr. Stein we'll see you inside". Kid tells Dr. Stein as we turn on our heels and walk towards the hospital doors. We entered into the hospital spotting the doctor from last night, he's waiting for us holding a clipboard in his left hand. While a pen is in his right one. We walk towards him as he suddenly looks up, he rushes towards us glancing at us. "Good you're here already let's get a move on, we were able to keep a eye on him last night. But I'll be honest with you I don't know how long you have until, Soul loses himself to the madness". The doctor tells us my eyes widen as I quickly ran to Soul's room, I don't bother waiting for the doctor or the others. But I know they are behind me, the doctor quickly catches up to me, "We have the machines plugged up and turn on! We have only one shot at this! We can't mess up!". He shouts as we run to Soul's. "One shot got it!". We make it to Soul's room as I turn the door knob and rush into the room. Nurses are surrounding Soul as I walk up to the bed, I sighed softly looking down at him. He looks like he's asleep but he's not, he's in fighting to keep from going crazy from the madness. Soul will probably have a scar after this, I reach out a hand to his cheek gently stroking it. I frown softly looking at him. "Don't worry Soul". I whispered under my breathe. "I'm coming just hang on a little longer". I bend down gently pressing a kiss on his forehead, my lips linger on there for a few minutes before I pull away. Everyone comes into the room panting a bit Blackstar pants as he has his hands on his knees. "Man Maka I know you miss Soul, but don't worry we'll help no matter what happens". Blackstar reassures me smiling over at me, Tsubaki smiles as well placing a hand on my shoulder. "Once Soul gets the Okay to come home, we'll go to the buffet and eat". Tsubaki tells me having a small grin on her face. I nod my head gently thankful for everyone, I glanced over at the doctor. "I'm ready Doctor". He nods his head taking me over to the bed next to Soul, I lay down staying still as the nurse places a helmet on top of my head, they are doing Soul as well. The doctor glances at me nervously. "Remember Maka you have one shot at this". I nod my head looking serious at the doctor. "I'm ready let's do this". I tell the doctor as he nods his head, he walks over to the machine and presses gently on the red button the helmets come on making a whirring noise, I close my eyes slowly and start to drift off into unconsciousness.

Forty minutes later.

I groan softly as I wake up blinking slowly I get up and almost drop back to the floor but I steady my balance. I looked around Soul's consciousness, I never thought I would actually got into my boyfriends mind but here I am I walk down the path seeing multiple doors right to left. I start to open one, I slowly twist the knob tomorrow pulling it opened. My eyes widen as a monster with sharp teeth and clothes suddenly comes after me. I quickly ran away from it panting as it chases after me, a weapon suddenly appears as I'm running. A familiar one to me a beautiful black scythe with the blade black as well, I quickly grab it and turn towards the monster I am no longer running away from it. But rather I am running towards it I dodge the monster as it's claws reach and try to claw me, I quickly swung the Scythe cutting it's claws it makes a gurgling sound of pain. I smirk in victory until it's claws grow back, my eyes widen as I start to sprint away from the monster it chases after me. I'm panting heavily as I frown wondering how to beat that thing, every monster has a weak point that one has got to have one. I suddenly have a idea as I stop in tracks, running towards the monster only this time I leap into the air jumping onto the monster's back. I see it's weak spot on it's back I raise the Scythe and cut down the middle of its weak spot. I jump off as it hisses in pain disappearing before my very eyes, I sighed softly as my heart beats inside of my chest. I look around running towards another path this time, I take the right path this time it's a bunch of mirrors I run towards one stopping as I know see I am in a different outfit. I am in a black dress with long sleeves it stops just below my legs, my hair is in its same ponytail style but my bows are black as well. I have on black strapped heels that are one inch, I wonder if it's because of us being here that I am dressed like this, I sighed softly as I continue on to find Soul. "Soul please be okay". I sighed softly mumbling to myself when I suddenly hear music coming from the path I'm on, it's dark, slow, and mysterious. I continue on the path as the music get louder I see Soul he's playing a piano the music I've been hearing has been coming from Soul, he's got his back turned towards me. I walk towards Soul looking at him, as he continues to play the piano and suddenly stops. He straightens his back and looks at me with a smile on his face, he gets up from the bench he's sitting on. Walks towards me still smiling. "Maka sweetheart you look lovely in that outfit". Soul tells me before he wraps a arm around my waist pulling me close to his chest, he takes his other hand and holds my hand as we start to dance around to music that suddenly appears. I frown softly looking at him, "Soul you have to snap out of it, you need to wake up everyone is worried about you. You need to fight against the madness for me, for Blackstar and everyone please we miss you". I tell him softly as we continue to dance. "I cannot simply leave Maka, the little orge is here I can't, leave unless I have someone to help me". He tells me while we're dancing. I nod my head understanding what Soul is tell me, if I beat little orge Soul will wake up and be free. I nod my head staring into Souls eyes. "Alright then I'll help you Soul". Soul smiles at me as we stop dancing, he then turns on his heels. Walking back to the piano he sits down and cracks his knuckles wiggling his fingers looking over at me. "Okay then let's do this". Before I can respond a little Orge appears before me, he is wearing a black double-breasted suit. Little orge also has long arms, black fingernails I noticed that he has a large nose and white almond-shaped eyes. He looks like he's wearing a mask around his eyes, little orge also has a wide eerie smile to his face. His teeth are also sharp I'm not sure where he got the name little orge but it definitely doesn't fit him. He's bigger than I imagine him being, he starts to laugh looking down at me. "You'll lose your mind! Just like your boyfriend did!". He smiles creepily as he bites his nails along the way. Soul starts to play the piano again, another scythe appears again just like how it did with the monster at the beginning. I take it into my hands as Soul keeps playing, little orge reaches out to grab me and I quickly dodge running towards him as he continues to reach for me. I look around then straight ahead wondering what to do, he reaches for me bringing his arms down in the middle. I jump out of the way running up his arm as he swings his arms tossing me off of them, I landed on my a$$ with a thud. I look at little orge as a frustrated groan escapes my lips. "Maka! Keep going! Aim between his eyes!". Soul tells me. He speeds up the piano playing on the keys and I can feel their power shooting through me. I nod my head running towards little Orge, I can feel the power in me when Soul and I are working together on missions. I smirked running better than earlier dodging little orges attacks, little orge screams out in frustration as I hit the blade against his arms, he hits in pain growling as he balls his hands into fists and starts trying to mash me with them. I quickly dodge and flip my way towards Little orge Soul continues to play more, the music seems to be the sort of power in his mind. I didn't even know Soul could play the piano, he plays more as I run jump swinging the Scythe between little orges eyes it hits him as he hisses in agony as he starts to shrink from his regular size. He soon becomes as small as a lady bug, I look down at him as Soul pants from playing the piano. After a few minutes he joins me up on stage and we both stare down, at little orge he is growling pi$$ed that we have defeated him. "YOU WON'T SEE THE LAST OF ME! I'LL GET MY, REVENGE ON YOU LITTLE BRATS!". Soul groans softly as he steps on little demon shutting him up. I look back at Soul smiling softly as we embrace each other, our bodies start to glow meaning that we have successfully stopped little orge and Soul will now be okay. We soon disappeared from Soul's mind, as we both wake up from Soul's mind everyone looks at us their mouth agape and eyes widen in relief. Blackstar is the first one to jump on Soul hugging him as he cries out in relieve. "Soul buddy I missed you so much! Don't ever put me through anything like that ever again!". Blackstar says loudly but softly hugging Soul. Kid smiles softly with his hands in his pockets, "Welcome back Soul". Kid tells him patting his back. Liz smiles at Soul looking at him. "Yeah welcome back Soul, we were worried about you. Thank God we got you to the hospital in time". Liz tells Soul. Patty smiles at Soul showing him a card she made for him. "Here Soul I made this for you dummy, hope you like it". Patty says giving Soul the card. He chuckles softly while taking it from her, ruffles her hair causing her to laugh harder. "Thanks Patty I'll read it when I get home". Soul tells her while smiling widely Dr. Stein looks at Soul sighs softly. "That was reckless what you did Soul, you know what would have happened if we hadn't come last night?". Dr. Stein asks Soul then he says softly pulling the cigarette he's been smoking away from him mouth, "But without your quick thinking Maka would. Have been hit so thanks". Dr. Stein tells Soul as he pats him on the back, Tsubaki smiles as she walks up to Soul. "We were all so worried about you Soul, we stayed at the hospital as long as they would let us. Then we came earlier to come make sure everything was okay". Tsubaki tells Soul still smiling at him, Soul returns the smile to her. "Sorry for worrying you guys, but Maka is my girl and I'll be da@ned if anything were to happen to her". Soul tells me full of toughness and coolness it causes blush to spread across my cheeks and look away from Soul pouting. "Just don't do anything, reckless like that ever again". I mumble under my breathe as everyone bursts into laughter. The doctor looks at us gently. "I am sorry to interrupt but I need to check Soul out and make sure he's okay". Dr. Stein looks at the doctor and nods his head. "Of course understood Doctor". Dr. Stein leads out so that Soul could be examine by the doctor, we sit in the waiting area to wait for them to finish.

            4 hours later.

Soul comes out with the doctor following in behind him in tow, he looks at us all slightly smiling. "Okay I've checked Soul out, and he's fine but a tiny bit of black blood is still inside of him. But don't worry he can control it we tested him to be sure, he's got a fine bill of health!". The doctor tells us as he has the clipboard in his hands. "But if there's any problems please come back". Dr. Stein nods his head as he signs Soul out of the hospital discharging him. "Okay doctor we will thanks again". The doctor nods his head saying one last goodbye to us, as we headed out of the hospital, Soul wraps his right arm around my shoulder as we walk out of the hospital. "Now I believe you kids were promised Ramen after the mission, come on let's go get you guys some. Plus some dessert you all deserve after what happened". Dr. Stein says as he walks towards his car. Blackstar jumps up in the air screaming. "Yahoo! Alright! I call shotgun!". He yells as he runs to get into the passenger seat of Dr. Steins car. We all share a laugh as we get into the car, Dr. Stein is right after what Soul has been through he deserves a little treat, we all get into the car buckling up as Blackstar starts messing with the radio Dr. Stein starts the car pulling out of the hospital parking lot, driving us to the ramen shop, I snuggle against Soul as he holds me in his arms. Closing my eyes to listen to his heartbeat, I have fallen in love with my best friend.

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