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After everything that happened with Ragnarok and Medusa, and soul ended up in the hospital with the black blood inside of him I decided that we were going to have a lazy day today. Tsubaki, Blackstar, Liz, Patty, and Kid will be arriving soon, we all decided to bring food, play video games, and just veggie out in front of the TV. I was busy making spinach dip for our lazy day party, we have tortilla chips, crackers, and pretzels. I suddenly feel Soul wraps his arms around my waist, his chin resting on my shoulder as he softly mumbles against my ear. "Maka I'm bored let me, help you or at least let me clean up". Soul tells me still holding me in his arms. I blush slightly while making the dip. "It's fine Soul you deserve a break after all you have been through, I'm almost done anyways go sit on the couch and we'll cuddle". I tell him softly looking at him slightly over my shoulder, he groans a bit before letting me go letting focus on the dip. Soul goes over to the couch and sits with a plop, Soul normally helps with the cooking and cleaning but I just want him to relax while he can, Soul then decides to play a video game it was a new one called Robot Boy you go around saving your friends who have been kidnapped by evil humans. It's a really fun game to play Soul and I play it to unwind after a rough week, this week was rough for Soul, he's sort of been having nightmares about it too. I feel awful this is my fault I should be the one going through this, not Soul I wish I could trade places with him. As I finish the dip I hear a knock at the door, Soul gets up and goes to answer the door before I have a chance to do it, Soul opens the door grinning at our friends. "Hey guys come on in Maka just, finished the dip we have crackers, chips, and pretzels for you to eat it with she also made the pigs in a blanket". Soul tells everyone as they walked into the dorm. Tsubaki brought some cupcakes, Blackstar brought meatballs he didn't make them himself because Tsubaki doesn't trust his cooking too much, and honestly neither do we. Liz brought sandwiches she made, Patty brought cookies different kinds of them. And Kid brought the pizzas everyone placed their food down and started to fix their plates we took it over to the couch and chairs. Since our couch can only sit 4 people we got 3 extra beanbag chairs to make sure whoever wanted to sit there was comfortable Blackstar took a seat in one of beanbag chairs he smiled as he started munching away on his food while Soul sits in the other beanbag chair he shoves a slice of pizza into his mouth. Patty laughs and joins the boys in the beanbag chairs shoving cookies into her mouth as she laughs loudly. Tsubaki, Kid, Liz, and I take our sits on the couch turning on Ted it was a funny movie that we liked to watch sometimes, we got comfortable and ate Tsubaki was eating on a sandwich Liz made, she made Bacon, Lettuce and tomato sandwiches and also ham and cheese sandwiches. "This is amazing Liz!". Tsubaki smiles happily. Liz blushes a bit by Tsubakis compliment. "Thanks Tsubaki, but it's nothing just simple sandwiches". Tsubaki smiles as she eats. "Nonsenses these are lovely". Kid was eating a pig in a blanket. "These are amazing! It's a perfect sausage to bread ratio". I smile chuckling softly. "Thank you Kid". Kid smiles at me. "Of course you're welcome Maka". Liz eats some of the pizza that was brought to the party. "This is so good! I love it! You guys got to try this!". I laugh and eat a cupcake Tsubaki made. "Delicious as always Tsubaki, I love the frosting it's so good". Tsubaki smiles at me softly. "Thanks tried out a new, recipe for the party!". She smiles happily as everyone enjoys the food that was prepared. "Have you guys tried the meatballs yet Blackstar brought? Their so good!". Soul says while eating some from his plate. Blackstar smiles. "I brought them from the deli, they are amazing". Blackstar says. Patty was eating the dip with pretzels. "Maka this dip is so good! Make this again!". I smile softly and nod my head. "Yeah sure of course I will". We continued to eat our food enjoying what everyone had brought soon we all, had full stomaches from our meal together everyone kept going back for food and something to drink. It was a good thing, we decided to get paper plates because no one felt like doing the dishes. "Man that was great! How about we play a little Smash bros?". Blackstar asked while grinning. Soul smirks at Blackstar. "Sounds good to me how should we do this?". Soul asked us looking around. " I think to myself before opening up my mouth to speak. "How about we just take turns? You and Blackstar take the first round then Tsubaki and I will take the next round, Patty and Liz then you and Kid sound good?". I asked everyone searching around to see if anyone would be okay with how the order is in, Soul and Blackstar started it off by playing Soul choice Bowser and Blackstar choice king deedee as their first choice they battled each other while me and the others watched them game, this was a well deserved break for Soul and the others to enjoy. We played the video game for awhile Soul won against Blackstar, I won against Tsubaki she was a bit easy to beat Patty won against Liz all of the button smashing she was doing allowed her to win, then it was Soul and Kids turn to play against each other. Kid surprised everyone when he won against Soul, it was a close tie game but Kid ended up winning. Liz gave Kid a kiss on the cheek for winning against Soul, he blushes after receiving the kiss from her. Liz smiles at Kid softly before she went to talk to us for a bit, after that we continued to play video games. We played Mario kart and let's cook we had so much fun gaming but we decided to relax with some movies and more snacks this time we had milkshakes with our sweet treats. It was a wonderful lazy day the others decided to stay the night but we only had one guest room, so Tsubaki, Liz, and Patty all took that room and Blackstar and Kid took Souls room for the night. It was the perfect end to a perfect day, I was glad Tsubaki, Kid, Patty, Liz, Patty, and Blackstar could all join us. I was happy Soul was home safe and sound with me, I snuggled into Soul's chest cuddling into him, we laid in my bed enjoying each other's warmth and company. I smiled softly listening to the beat of his heart, he ran his fingers through my hair as we were in each other's arms. "Did you have a fun day with the others?". I asked Soul softly as I had a hand on his chest, while the other arm was around his stomach. "Yeah it was the best, thanks for this Maka the food and dessert was great. But I wish you had at least let me help you". I shifted a bit in his arms looking at him. "I know Soul but, I wanted you to relax, especially what happened after the mission. I still feel guilty about that, you could have been killed or never woke up". I mumble softly under my breathe. He takes his right hand the one that was playing with my hair, and lifted my chin making eye contact with me. "Hey listen to me Maka, I don't regret doing what I did. You are my meister, you are my best friend, but more importantly you are mine. And I will protect you no matter what happens, I will always protect you. Because we work together as a team. The doctor told me that the black blood will most likely still be in my system, we took tests and I passed them all. Thanks to you I am okay". Soul tells me softly looking into my eyes, I feel the blush creep onto my cheeks as Soul calls me his. He tells me how he will always protect me like how, I will protect him. I then look at his lips and into his eyes again before I close my eyes pressing my lips gently against his. It takes a few seconds until I feel him kiss me back, it's not how I imagine our first kiss going but it's sweet. It's tender and it's the best first kiss for me. I cup Soul's face with my left hand while the other one rests on his chest, while he has his hands on my waist. We pull apart opening both of our eyes, staring at each other we smile softly at each other as I giggle softly and Soul chuckles under his breathe. "Well that was some kiss, I'm glad I'm awake to be able to do that with you". Soul tells me softly staring at me smiling at me showing off his teeth. I smile back at him. "I'm glad too it's not, how I wanted our first kiss to go but I'm glad we did it. That kiss was perfect". I tell Soul softly looking at him gently as he looks back at me. I lay my head back on Soul's chest as he wraps his arms around my waist. I feel as he presses a kiss against the top of my head, I smile softly as he snuggles against me. I smile snuggling into him my eyes suddenly feel heavy as they start to shut and the last thing I hear is Soul saying goodnight to me as I drift off into a wonderful peaceful sleep.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 13 ⏰

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