Telling Him

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I woke up to the smell of something delicious being cooked, Soul must be up making breakfast already. He was really excited to make breakfast for us this morning, I wondered what he cooked. I sighed softly getting out of my comfortable, warm bed rubbing the sleepiness out of my eyes. I walked over to my door opening it up stepping out of my room, I hear Soul hum as he cooks us breakfast. Smiling softly I walk over to him to see what he is making, I look over his shoulder seeing he has eggs, tortillas, salsa, cheddar cheese, sausages and diced potatoes lined up. He turns his head just enough to smile over at me. "Hey Maka I'm making, breakfast burritos for us this morning. I was thinking next time I cook I can make us blueberry waffles". He tells me as he turns his attention back to the potatoes he's firing up. I chuckle softly as he already plans to cook next breakfast. "Sure but you'll have to get up, a little early if you want to do that on a school day. It's okay we can have oatmeal, cereal and eggs and toast on those days". I tell him softly as he starts fixing our breakfast burritos, then places them back into the skillet for the burritos to get nice and crispy. My stomach growls just from the smell of it, I fix our drinks to distract my growling belly, I pour Soul a place of Orange juice while I make myself a cup of tea. Soul always puts a kettle of water on the stove for me and boils it for me, one of the other reasons why I love him so much. He'll sometimes complain about chores but he'll always be there for me when I need him, just as I am placing our drinks on the table Soul serves our breakfast he cut our burritos in have for us. I smile sitting down in my chair as Soul does the same, we start to eat our food. Sighing in happiness as we enjoy our food, I don't know who cooks better Me or Soul but we definitely make great food. As I am enjoying my burrito Soul talks to me. "I got your note this morning, by the way what did you want to tell me?". He turns me to as he starts eating the second half his burrito. My eyes widen as I find myself blushing lightly, I looked over at Soul swallowing my food before speaking. "I want to ask you something later actually, when we are there I'll make us lunch before we leave. So don't worry about that and I'll prepare our drinks for it, as well so you just relax". I tell Soul softly while looking at him, Soul blinks looking confused to what I tell him. But he just nods his head as he continued to eat. "Alright then I'll relax don't worry". Soul tells me chuckling softly. "Well I'll wash our breakfast dishes then at least, then I'll go into my room, maybe have a lay down on my bed after I get ready for the day". Soul tells me as I finish my burrito. Taking a sip of my tea enjoying the taste of it, I finish the tea up as well, getting up from the chair I smile back at Soul before excusing myself to my room. I went into my room closing the door as I feel a smile appear across my face, I grab my phone that was laying on my nightstand sitting crossed legged on my bed. I type my password into my phone, I went to my messaging app and tapped on the group chat I had separately with the girls seeing they were up chatting about things I started typing into the group chat filled with excitement. "Guys! Guess what?! Soul agreed to come to the park with me today, we're going to have a picnic there. I'm gonna tell him how I feel about him, I'm not gonna be scared whatever happens. Happens I just hope it won't ruin our friendship". I sent it to the girls watching the screen as they were typing. Tsubaki is the first person to much the group all of her words were capitalize filled with excitement for me. "OMG MAKA! THAT'S AMAZING! YOU'VE GOT TO TELL US LATER, HOW IT WENT FOR YOU GUYS! DON'T WORRY YOU GOT THIS!". Liz soon sends her message it's a bit more tamper than Tsubaki's was. "Alright Maka you can do it! Don't be afraid. I'm sure Soul feels the same way about you, like you do him". She then sends thumbs up and smiling faces. Patti then sends hers, she's a bit more excited with hers she sends lots of silly faces, hearts, balloons, and confetti. "HAHAHA HAVE FUN, ON YOUR DATE!". Patty says making Tsubaki and Liz both send the sweat break face as I laugh at how their reactions are we start texting in the group laughing, sending videos and memes to each other, we've been doing that for awhile until I see what time it is. I tell the girls bye and get ready to go out, I don't like wearing dresses so I pick a cute skirt and shirt outfit the skirt is yellow with lillies on them while the skirt is a plain V-neck black shirt I get dressed after a shower and drying my hair, I would normally have it in my original ponytails but today I decided to go with a different hairstyle. I brush it out and have it down looking a bit more mature than it is in my usual style, I smile back at myself in the mirror feeling confident. I get up from my chair checking myself out in the mirror I smile as I leave my room and head into the kitchen to start cooking and making lunch for Soul and I's picnic.

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